I looked down at Bobby and scowled. “Your owner’s a dick. No wonder you thought you could just invite yourself into myhouse and bed. You learned from the best at being pushy and belligerent.”

“You let him into your bed? He doesn’t get on the furniture.” He leaned down and patted Bobby like I’d tortured him.

“I didn’t let him do anything. He knocked to come inside and when I opened the door, he ran right in and jumped up on my couch. Maybe you’ve got the wrong dog.”

“He knocked to come inside?” Dean laughed and shook his head. “Now I know two things about you. You’re a childandyou’re delusional.”

I gripped my door hard, only fighting the urge to slam it in his face because Bobby was there, too. “Go to hell. You’re the worst, you know that? It’s unfortunate, too, because you’d be hot if not for your personality. Lord knows this town could use some new men around, but you’re a waste of a good body and nice hair. By the way, asshole, I’m twenty-six. I’m hardly a child. Maybe it just seems that way because of your prehistoric attitude towards women. Bobby’s mother must be amazing because he’s great and nothing like you at all. Now, do me a favor and go screw yourself.”

He stared at me for a few seconds before the right side of his mouth tipped up in a smile. “Reed was right about you. You could use a spanking.”

I balled my hands into fists and stepped closer to him. “The man who tries will pull back a nub.”

“A smart man would tie you up first.” His smile faded and he took a step back. “A smarter man would stay twenty feet away from you because it’s clear you’re a pain in the ass. Stay away from my dog.”

I glared after him and then slammed my door shut, furious. I couldn’t believe his attitude. Talking about spanking me and tying me up? What the hell was wrong with him? I locked thedoor and stomped to my bedroom. I was irate. I was ready to punch a hole through my wall. I was…turned on?

That realization hit me hard and I didn’t stop to think before kicking out of my shorts and grabbing my favorite vibrator. I got under my blankets, a habit which came from sharing a house with so many people growing up, and I skipped all the foreplay.

Dean’s hard face filled my mind, along with an image of his big hand holding me down while he spanked me with the other. I pushed the vibrator deep inside me and turned it up as high as it would go. Dean would be rough. He wouldn’t make love; he’d fuck. I barely had to touch my clit before I came hard, sinking my teeth into my lip to stop my mouth from calling out his name. My mind might’ve betrayed me, but my mouth wouldn’t.

As soon as I started coming down, the shame hit. I tossed the vibrator into my laundry basket and groaned into my hands. What was wrong with me? Why had I just gotten off to the idea of Dean? I hated him. I had no business picturing him while masturbating. It was wrong.

I made a vow to find a therapist before slipping my panties back on and sitting at my desk. Despite the heavy shame I felt, I wrote like a fiend. My sex scene shifted into something a little darker, until I had to trash it and start over. Dylan and Ryan weren’t rough with Anna. They were sweet and loving.

Only, when I tried to write sweet and loving, my mind clogged up and my fingers refused to budge over the keys. It infuriated me that Dean had invaded my head and messed me up without even trying. If he hadn’t mentioned spanking me, I could’ve gone on with my day without any trouble.

I had my phone in my hand with full intentions of calling Eve to rant but quickly decided against it. I didn’t want to admit to anyone I’d been weak. I wasn’t a great loser and I wasn’t ready to admit out loud that Dean had affected me. Instead, I wanted tobe productive and move forward with my plans to form an anti-man club in Devil’s Den.

I dialed the number Eve sent me for Margaret and only had to wait one ring for her to pick up. I didn’t even get a chance to say anything before she was talking.

“Well, well, well. Ms. Vera Hellstone. I was surprised when Eve told me you’d be calling me, and why. Of course, I’ve thought about expanding the Dolls over the years, but I’m only one woman. Luckily, I like you. There are only a few people I’d trust to do this. It’d be too easy for the secret to slip and for our entire premise to be ruined.” She took a breath. “I’m guessing you want my help. Of course, you do. I’ll fly down with Coco and Brenda and help you. Do you have a space in mind already?”

I stuttered. “S-sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to be so ready to help. I wasn’t going to ask you to fly down, but if you’re willing, of course, that’d be amazing.”

“A space, honey?”

“Oh, yeah.” I cleared my throat. “Pearly Things. It’s a salon in town. Another woman is already working on how she wants to decorate it.”

“Pearly Things. Oh, that’s perfect.” She laughed. “We’ll fly in as soon as we’re all free. Now that we’re all dating, things aren’t as easy. Men are great for some things but they really do get in the way.”

I grunted. “You can say that again.”

“Oh.” Her voice pitched higher. “Troubles with men in your life? Do tell.”

“No. No, no. No troubles. No men.” I’d heard all about how she and her crew of radical grannies liked to play matchmaker. I’d seen it in action. I wanted nothing to do with it. “I’ll keep you updated about the space. I can send pictures if you’d like. I want to make sure to stay as respectful of what you started as possible.”

“Interesting. I wanted to figure you out when you were in town but I was so caught up with things here. I guess I’ll have my chance now.” Margaret hung up, just like that, and left me feeling like I’d just made a deal with the devil.

I slumped over in my chair and blew out a long breath. “Everything’s fine. Margaret isn’t going to figure you out. This was a good idea.”

At least, I hoped it was.



What I hadn’t expected was for Margaret and her merry band of scary older women to show up with giant suitcases full of sex toys and lube. They’d insisted on renting a car at the airport and driving themselves around so I hadn’t seen the suitcases until they wheeled them intoPearly Things. Still, I didn’t know what to expect. When the three women unzipped their suitcases in unison and flipped back the tops to reveal more sex toys than I’d ever seen in my life, I gasped the loudest.