“What?!” Lennon’s raised voice came from the top of the stairs and a few seconds later he joined me in the kitchen with a shell-shocked expression on his face. “I think I just got a drive-by pregnancy announcement.”

“What did she say to you?”

“Just that and that she couldn’t talk about it yet because Reed gave her orders.” He ran his hands down his face and after they’d covered his mouth, he pulled them away and his lips had stretched into a wide smile. “Is she really pregnant?”

My stomach got the same feeling I’d always get while waiting to jump out of a plane for military ops. I felt eager and excited but scared as hell. Were we really getting everything we’d ever wanted? It didn’t feel possible.

Reed came in, shutting the door harder than necessary, most likely for Vera’s benefit. He looked at us and let out a quiet laugh. “She told you.”

“That she’s pregnant?” Lennon nodded. “As she sped past. Is it real?”

“It’s real. She’s pregnant.” He stopped at the end of the island and gripped the countertop. “She’s known since the night after the shit with Mays. She was scared that maybe she’d lost it and didn’t want to deal with it, apparently. I overheard her telling Dr. Bianca tonight.”

I felt a wave of anger and stared up at the ceiling, as if I could glare at her through the floor. “She could’ve gotten sick and died if she’d lost the baby. She could’ve gone septic and we never would’ve known anything until it was too late.”

“Exactly why she’s waiting upstairs for us. She’s earned herself a hard night.” Cracking his neck, Reed shook his head. “Tonight, she learns that she can’t keep secrets from us. After that, we’ll celebrate.”

I dropped my head forward and laughed. “I’m feeling so much shit right now. I’m pissed she kept something so huge from us. I’m frustrated I didn’t see she was struggling with something. But mostly…I’m fucking over the moon that we’re going to have a kid.”

“Good to know we’re all in the same boat.” Lennon laughed, too, his eyes suspiciously damp. “She’s going to be even more gorgeous pregnant.”

“I think you should both come up with me.”

I swallowed my own wave of emotion. Reed didn’t often invite us into his punishments. I knew there was a layer of shame there for him and he tried to hide that part of himself from us. Him wanting us there was proof of how much Vera was doing for him. “Thanks, Reed.”

He cleared his throat and nodded. “Trust me to know her limits.”

Lennon walked over and squeezed his shoulder. “Always have.”

I nodded. “I trust you, Reed.”

I walked into the bedroom last and closed the door to keep Bobby out. He’d been hovering around Vera even more than usual. As soon as I looked up, I forgot all about Bobby and felt a surge of heat at the sight of Vera naked and on her knees by the foot of the bed. She kept her eyes on the floor in front of her but her face and chest went bright red at our entrance. She hadn’t expected all three of us.

“I know I should’ve—”

Reed cut her off mid-sentence, his tone hard. “No. Your time for talking was a month ago, Vera. I don’t want to hear anything from you right now unless it’s your safe word.”

I watched, in awe as Vera’s body relaxed. It was like she needed Reed’s hardness to be okay.

“Actually, you’re going to need a safety signal tonight, brat. We have guests tonight to muffle your cries.” He looked at us. “Undress and pull up a chair.”

I did as he said and watched as he walked in a tight circle around Vera. I was hard as rock by the time I sat down.

“I’m not going to tie you up tonight. Your shoulder needs more time before I use my ropes again. I am going to blindfold you, though. Lift your hand if you need to stop.” Squatting in front of her, Reed gripped her face and made her look at me and Lennon. “You want to keep secrets from us? Keep these pretty lips sealed? I don’t think so. We’ll just have to keep them pried apart tonight.”

Vera moaned and tried to turn her face into Reed’s hand. He let her go, though, and moved away. She looked in our direction, her eyes going to our cocks before lowering again. It was almost amusing to see her in such a submissive position when her eyes flashed with the same stubborn power as always. It was intoxicating to see her submit to Reed when we all knew she’dnever submit to any other man outside of our bedroom. Our Hellcat was granting us with the best gift.

Reed kicked a cushioned stool over to us and then gently wrapped a strip of cloth over Vera’s eyes. Instead of touching her further, he silently went into the closet and brought out his bag of toys. I watched Vera’s breathing speed up as she heard the recognizable sound of him unzipping the bag and taking things out. When he had what he wanted, he bent down to speak right beside her head.

“I’m going to use my hand to paint your ass red tonight. You’re going to feel it when you sit tomorrow and maybe the next day. No counting tonight. I’ll decide when you’ve had enough. I’m going to teach you to never keep a secret like this from us again. You don’t get to chance your life. Losing you would kill us, Vera. Nod if you understand.” She nodded immediately and Reed lightly wrapped his hand around her neck. “Are you sure you want this tonight?”

“Yes. Please.” Breathy with desire, she rushed the words out as she reached up and gripped his arm. “I need you.”

Reed pressed a kiss to her forehead and then stepped back. “Up.”

Vera carefully rose to her feet and stood in front of us. She shifted from foot to foot as Reed left her standing there without further instruction for a good thirty seconds. Just when she looked like she was going to speak up, Reed switched on his wand and we all watched as Vera’s body reacted to just the sound of it. She pressed her thighs together and bit her lip hard.

Reed pressed the wand to each of her nipples and trailed it down her stomach, stopping just before he reached her sex. He did the same thing over and over again until she moved her hips after the wand, desperate for it. Then, with a sharp laugh, he cut it off and led her to the stool. He positioned her over the stool soher head hung off one end and her ass was perfectly open on the other end.