“Fuck yeah!” Reed shocked us with his loud outburst. He laughed and buried his face in my hair. “Yes, Hellcat!”
I locked eyes with Bianca and she grinned as she watched us. My own smile was wide as I let out a sigh of relief. Our baby was okay. They were tough. “Oh, my god. We’re going to have a baby.”
“You’re going to come in next week for a full exam. I’ll make a call to a friend who’s an amazing OB/GYN and have her come here.” Snapping off her gloves, she wrapped the test in one of them and handed it to me. “For your scrapbooks.”
Reed pressed his hands over my stomach and let out a shaky breath. “Michael Mays is the luckiest man on earth. If anything had happened to you or our baby, he would’ve been dead before the week was over.”
“Alright, you two. Get out of here. I’m going to meet Meredith at the bar and revisit the baby talk with her. Maybe it’s PMS, but I think I’m feeling baby fever.” Taking me by the hand and pulling me to my feet, Bianca hugged me tight. “I’m so happy for you, Vera. You deserve this and everything else good that comes your way.”
“Hear that, Hellcat? Even Bianca knows you deserve the spanking you’re getting tonight.” Reed gripped my hips and nodded at Bianca. “Thank you for doing this tonight.”
I blushed but I didn’t protest him talking about me getting a spanking in front of other people. My goal with Reed was to make sure he knew there was nothing wrong with his desires. He’d been knocked down so many times on his way to me and I was going to show him how perfect he was. “Well, then.”
Bianca opened the door for us. “You’re free to be as wild as you want. Spankings, double pene—”
“Oh, my god.” I lightly slapped her arm. “Don’t say that!”
Reed pulled me into his chest and pressed his mouth to the side of my head. “I’ve done some research. That’s the only reason I’m comfortable and confident with what’s going to happen tonight.”
I shifted as my core grew wet. His confidence was like Viagra for me. Then I realized what he’d said. “What do you mean, you’ve done some research?”
“This is where I leave you. Good luck, both of you.” Bianca left on a laugh and a wave over her shoulder.
“I like to be prepared. As much as we come in you, Hellcat, I knew this was possible. No amount of birth control in the world could’ve stopped it.” He glanced around and then looked down at me with an expression on his face that almost made me moan. “The idea of you knocked up with our kid has been a thought in my head for a while. Tied spread eagle to a bench with all of your body open and easy to use… You’re going to be sexy as hell with a rounded belly.”
I went up on my tiptoes and pressed myself into his chest. “All this time I called you my warrior. Now I think you might be my boy scout, always prepared. It’s somehow both the sweetest and the hottest thing ever that you researched how you could fuck me if I ever got pregnant.”
“You keep thinking that I’m your boy scout. It’ll make tonight ever sweeter when you’re begging me to let you come and cursing my very existence.” He roughly kissed me and then slapped my ass. “I’ll follow you home. Drive the speed limit, Hellcat. When we get home, go straight to our room and strip. I want you waiting on your knees when I get there.”
I swallowed as arousal flooded my system. “I could ride with you and we could try a lesson on road head.”
I took great joy in seeing the surprise in his eyes. He growled when he saw that joy, though, and gently pushed me towards my car. “You’re just making it worse for yourself.”
“What, baby?”
“We’re having a baby.”
He closed the distance between us and yanked me in for a deep kiss. By the time he pulled away, my shirt was creeping up and my hair was a wreck. “I’m not sure I deserve to feel this happy, Vera, but I’m going to hold onto it with both hands. I love you. For the rest of my life, I’ll be your warrior, your boy scout, anything and everything you ever need. This baby is going to grow up seeing exactly how a man should love a woman. You own me, Vera. You own every part of me. From my mind to my heart to my cock.”
I gasped when he took my hand and put it over his bulging jeans. He was so hard I knew it had to be painful. “Reed…”
“Tell me you love me and then go home. You know how I want you when I get there.”
“I love you, Reed.”
He stepped away and grunted. “Go on, then.”
I glanced at my watch when Vera came in. She was running late from her meeting but I knew Reed was always hovering around her so I wasn’t worried as much as I would’ve been. She met my eyes as she crossed to the stairs and her smile was one I didn’t recognize. Even after studying the woman every day and night for the last couple of months, I knew I’d never fully know what to expect from her. She was a wildcard and that smile promised chaos.
“I have to go straight to the room. Reed’s orders.” She stopped at the base of the stairs and looked over her shoulder at me. “I’m pregnant.”
Feeling like I’d been punched in the chest, I stared after her with my mouth wide open. Pregnant. Was she serious? All my blood rushed to my head and I had to lean against the island. Pregnant.