“Not out. Just limited to times when her life isn’t in danger.” He shrugged. “I like the brattiness.”
“Yeah, because it gives you a chance to redden her ass.” Dean pulled away from our house. “Let’s go get our woman.”
Mills sat across from me in the small, yellowed hospital room, concern etched deep into his tan face. “Do you need another pill?”
I was torn somewhere between wanting to rip his face off and wanting to comfort him. “No.”
He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Do you need—”
“Mills. I don’t need anything else you can get me from this hospital. You know what I want.” I shifted in the uncomfortable bed and groaned. My entire body ached. “You said yourself that they found me. Why can’t you get over your issue with me being with them?”
He looked down at the floor and ran his hand over his head. “Doctor Durns talked to me.”
I frowned. “I don’t know why they couldn’t just get Bianca to come.”
The county hospital insisted their doctor work on me but Doctor Durns was a stranger and a stick in the mud. I wanted a friend checking on me.
“He didn’t know it wasn’t public knowledge that you’re pregnant.”
I laughed. “As much as I appreciate you getting your sense of humor back, that’s not funny. I mean, I’m laughing, but only because of how ridiculous it is.”
Mills stood up and walked closer. The split through his eyebrow had swollen and bruised almost as bad as the one over my own eyebrow. It hadn’t taken me long to connect his injuries with the ones I’d quickly cataloged on my guys. “You’re pregnant, Vera.”
My laughter faded. “I can’t be pregnant.”
“Well, I’m guessing you can. You know? Since you are.”
I stared down at my stomach in horror. “But… But I… Morgan threw me down. I… Is it okay?”
“Durns thinks so. It’s really, really early, I guess.” He gripped the side of my bed. “You didn’t have any clue?”
I snorted and then groaned when it hurt. “No. Shit. Maybe he’s wrong. He doesn’t seem like a very good doctor if he can’t even follow privacy laws.”
“I suggested the same but he seems sure.”
Sucking in a deep breath, I realized I was suddenly burning up. I fanned myself and kicked my legs out from under the blanket. “Okay. Wow. Um… This is fine. I can be pregnant.”
“Why them? Why all three of them?” Mills hung his head. “I can’t exactly keep them away from you now, can I?”
“You couldn’t have anyway. I love them. All three of them. I didn’t pick them, Mills. It just happened. They’re good men who make me happy. That’s going to have to be good enough for you. You kept them away from me last night and today but no more. I’m an adult. I support myself, Mills. I don’t need you controlling my life.” I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I didn’t want you to know my secret. You do now, though. I don’t need a surrogate father or babysitter, Mills. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”
“You nearly got yourself killed last night.”
“Yeah, I did. I shouldn’t have left their house, Mills. You shouldn’t have asked me to. I was just angry that in their misguided attempt to stand up for me, they’d done the one thing I asked them not to. The way I see it… If you hadn’t treated me like crap they wouldn’t have spilled my secret and if they hadn’t spilled my secret I never would’ve agreed to leave. We’re all a little guilty. If you don’t think I’ve learned a lesson, you’re crazy, though. The next time a crazed drug kingpin wants to kill me, I’m staying home.”
A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “You never stop, do you?”
I shook my head. “I won’t for them, either.”
“I never imagined I’d be so grateful for your tenacity, kid, but I am. You fought yesterday. You gave as good as you got and you proved you’re not to be fucked with. I’m proud of you.” He sighed. “Just never fucking do that again. I still can’t breathe normally.”
I reached for his hand and squeezed it. “I love you, you idiot. You’re my big brother and you’ve been such a huge part of my life since Mom and Dad passed. You’ve been wrong about me but that doesn’t mean I can’t forgive that. Can we start over?”
“You expect me to be less protective when you’re pregnant?”