“I’m going to start canvasing the shops in town. I shouldn’t be around them right now.” I glared down at my phone and tapped on Agent Henderson’s contact. He wasn’t replying fast enough. I hit call and growled when the call was sent straight to voicemail. “Something is happening. I have a gut feeling I don’t fucking like.”

“Same.” That was all Dean said before holding up his hand for Lennon to stop the truck. “She took off right here. Start here, Reed. Keep us updated and we’ll do the same.”

I nodded and got out, already focused in on the first store to my right. I went through them quickly, probably traumatizing a few people along the way. I was abrupt and didn’t bother softening my approach. I needed to find Vera.

I made it through half the town before I got anywhere. Then I got toThe Big Dill. I ran into the owner, Susie Towne as she was coming out. She was a soft woman in her late sixties and when I barked at her about Vera, she flinched before straightening her back and frowning at me.

“You scared me, young man. Why are you looking for Vera?”

“She’s in trouble and I need to find her right now. Did you see her?”

Her frown deepened. “I saw her earlier. She was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.”

“Which direction did she go?” I stepped closer to her. “It’s very important.”

“She stopped right here. Got in the car with Sheriff Morgan.” She patted my cheek. “So, you can stop worrying. She’s safe.”

I pulled out my phone and called Dean. “She got into the Sheriff’s car.”

Dean was silent for a few seconds. “Are you sure?”

I glanced up at Susie Towne and saw she’d dismissed me and was walking away. “As sure as I can be.”

“Get over to the station.”

I hung up and ran that way. The bad feeling churning acid in my stomach was worsening by the second. I didn’t like the way the facts were adding up. If Vera wasn’t waiting at the police station for me, I didn’t like the odds that the sheriff was a good guy.

My fears were confirmed when the station came into view and I could see a group of men standing around without Vera. I could tell by the look on their faces that no one had good news. I stopped between Lennon and Dean and looked at the Hellstone brothers. They were a far cry from the men we’d fought with overseas.

“Morgan turned his radio off and stopped responding to calls just after Vera ran off.” Mills’ voice shook with a combination of rage and fear. “His personal cell is off, too.”

“We’re going to search his house and personal vehicles to try and find something to point to what the fuck is going on.” Dean watched as one of the Sheriff’s Deputies started to speak. “I don’t give a flying fuck if you don’t like the idea of us searching your boss’ shit. As far as I’m concerned, you’re no better than him. I suggest you go back inside and let us work.”

I stepped closer to the man. “Maybe I should spend some time questioning him.”

Dean planted one hand on my shoulder. “Sheriff first. The Hellstones are going to stay here and make sure we hear anything that comes through from Sheriff Morgan.”

West swore. “Fuck that. She’s our sister. We’re going, too.”

“She’s in danger because of you!” Lennon exploded. “You know your sister! How could you not lock her in?”

All hell broke loose then. Anger boiled over and when fists started flying, none of us were calm enough to be reasonable. It wasn’t until a horn blared and a high-pitched whistle pierced the afternoon air that we were able to be pried apart.

“What the hell is going on here?!”

I looked up and took one last punch to the jaw from Tate before three men I’d never seen before started separating us. I shook off everyone’s grip and walked a few feet away to take a deep breath. My chest was rising and falling too fast. I just needed to find Vera.

“You three look just like your brothers so I know you’re Hellstones. I don’t know who the rest of you are but I need to find my best friend. Where is Vera?”

I spun around and looked at the small woman with long black hair. The three men who’d pulled us apart were back at her side, keeping a protective stance around her. “Who are you?”

“Eve. I’m from Harmony Valley and I’m looking for Vera Hellstone. Where is she?”



Tied to a chair in the middle of the Mays’ modern barn wasn’t exactly how I imagined my day ending but here I was. My shoulder throbbed so painfully my vision blurred every few minutes but I fought to stay alert. Michael Mays stood at the other side of the barn, watching me with Sheriff Morgan. Morgan glared at me as he held an ice pack to his already swelling jaw.