I smiled as she answered the question in my head. She wanted us. I stilled. “All five of us?”

Bobby let out a loud snore and then a fart.

Vera giggled but it quickly turned into a gag and her pulling Reed’s hand over her nose. “Maybe just four.”

It didn’t take long for her to be out again. Between Reed, Bobby, and Dean, the bed around her was full. I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and then headed to my room to sleep. I tossed and turned for hours, torn between worries over her big brothers and the risk of attempting another relationship.

I knew that if another relationship crashed and burned for us, Reed was out. We’d been together as best friends since we were fifteen and growing up in the country in Georgia. We’d done everything together, including losing parents, friends at war, and more women than I cared to remember. The idea of Reed going his separate way wasn’t something I could even fathom.He’d been hurt so many times, though, blamed over and over again for our failed relationships.

The sun was coming up and I was debating getting up and going for a run when my bedroom door opened and Vera tiptoed in. Her hair glowed more red than usual in the morning sun coming through my windows as she quietly made her way to my bed.

She saw that I was awake and smiled. “Hi.”

I pushed the covers back so she’d crawl in. “Hi.”

She’d pulled on one of Dean’s shirts and I watched her yank it over her head before crawling in and curling into my side. “You weren’t in bed when I woke up. I figured there wasn’t room last night and wanted to find you. Plus, I think the idea of Dean and Reed accidentally cuddling while reaching for me is so funny.”

I laughed and tugged her on top of me. “You’re going to give us hell.”

“Also, Bobby is still farting. That room is a big stink bomb.” She rested her elbows on my chest and watched me with her chin in her hands. “You have worry lines right now.”

“Thank you?”

She smiled. “Is everything okay?”

It was uncanny she could read me so easily. “Yeah. Especially now you’re here. I was just thinking about work shit.”

“You’re retired.”

“You’re nosey.”

She nodded. “Yeah. You don’t have to tell me, though. You can entertain me in other ways instead.”

“You’re insatiable.” I saw her start to frown and rolled us over so I was on top of her. “And I love it.”



What I didn’t expect was the shift in the guys’ attitude. They were still…them…but they were more open. They were affectionate and couldn’t keep their hands off of me. The final line had been crossed for them and it was like they’d decided to go all in. I loved it. I’d never experienced it before but I was drinking in all their attention. I was in heaven and finally understood why Eve and Billie were so happy. Having three men to please you was the cat’s pajamas. Or…Bobby’s pajamas.

My writing block had blown up, too. I couldn’t type fast enough. I had Dean submit my work to Mary Gregory, my agent, and I was eager to hear what she thought. I knew she’d send the pages to Eve for editing and was eager to hear from Eve, too. I missed my friends when I thought about Eve, but I told myself I wouldn’t have to wait much longer for things to get back to somewhat normal. I’d found the sheriff who’d chased me and the guys had passed it along to the FBI. Things would wrap up soon.

I wasn’t sure, but I felt like the guys wouldn’t disappear after it was all over. Their words and actions made me feel like there was hope for something more. Even though my brothers were going to blow gaskets over it. If any men were strong enough to stand up to my brothers’ bulldog personalities, it was Dean, Lennon, and Reed.

It was two days of sex and being all over each other later when the alarm went off. I knew from the last time the alarm meant someone was there. The tension which filled Dean when he checked the cameras told me everything I needed to know.

“Your brothers are here. Get dressed, Hellcat.” He cast a longing look at my bare legs and sighed. “When all of this is over, your brothers aren’t allowed here and I’m throwing away all of your clothes.”

I hurried over to his side and pressed a kiss to his mouth. “I wear your clothes now. You’d be throwing your own things away. That’d be okay with me, though.”

He slapped my ass and pushed me towards my room. “The faster they get here, the faster they leave.”

I pulled on the pants I’d come in, and my bra, but I stayed in Dean’s shirt. I wasn’t willing to give up everything for my brothers’ arrival. I did another run through of my room to make sure everything was hidden and then rushed out to get to my laptop just as they walked in. I slammed it shut and held it behind my back.


Mills frowned at me. “You’re being weird.”