“This one. Don’t stop.” She let out a wild cry as I moved faster. “Dean!”
I saw Lennon’s bite mark on her ass and slapped my hand over it. The feeling of her pussy tightening on me was too good. Dropping my hand between her thighs, I circled her clit and drove her straight into an orgasm that sucked my own orgasmout of me. I followed Vera as she collapsed on the bed and finished fucking my come into her with her ass in my hands. I gripped her cheeks tight and spread them out so I could watch as I slowly pulled out of her. My come slowly leaked out of her tiny hole and I eased my softening dick back into her to keep it in.
Vera twisted her face to the side and let out a shaky breath. “I love sex.”
I laughed and slowly shifted off of her. Stretching out beside her, I stared up at the ceiling with a racing heart. “It’s not always like that.”
“Are you just saying that so I don’t want to sleep with anyone else?”
“Maybe. I don’t know.” I stretched my arm out across her back and groaned. “Any regrets?”
She went up on her elbows and smiled. “Not even a little bit. You?”
I took my time thinking about how I wanted to answer and smiled when her face tensed. “No. No regrets. I’ll probably have to do it a few more dozen times to be sure, though.”
I rolled on top of her and covered her neck and shoulders in kisses. My dick hardened after a few minutes and I slid into her so naturally that it was like we’d been doing it forever. “Spread your thighs, Hellcat.”
She moaned my name and did what I said. “You’re making it into my next book, Dean.”
“You’re damn right.”
I let out a loud groan and leaned over to bury my face in Bobby’s side. His pajamas had rainbows with little pots of gold on them and smelled like bacon. I sat up and looked at him. “Have you been eating bacon or rolling in it? What is that?”
He rolled onto his back and stared up at me. It was easy to read his facial expressions and he was demanding I pet him. Of course, I gave in. Loving on Bobby had easily become a stress reliever and I really needed one right then.
When I finally crawled out of bed for the day, feeling deliciously sore, Dean had insisted I continue going through the photos again. Reed and Lennon had gone out to meet with their FBI connection and things would progress a lot faster if they could tell their connection who had chased me. Screen after screen of men staring back at me in varying shades of blue and gray uniforms was making me nuts, though.
Dean walked over to me and leaned over the back of the couch to look over my shoulder. “Okay?”
I leaned into him and grunted. “No.”
He wrapped his arms around me and rested his hands on my stomach. “How far along are you?”
“Not very far. I keep having to go back a few pages to start over. My brain isn’t good at stuff like this.” I pushed my laptop aside. “I’m not even enjoying picking out cute guys for future books anymore. And Bobby smells like bacon. Do you have a bacon scented cologne for him? Or is that mean? To make a dog smell like a food they’d love to munch on? Would they smell themselves and search for bacon all day long? Also, have I ever mentioned how cute it is that you dress him? He has to have a bigger wardrobe than me. Especially right now.”
Dean picked up my laptop and put it back in my lap. “We can talk later. Finish this, Hellcat.”
“Dean…” I pouted up at him. “I’m going nuts. Are we sure the FBI can’t just…figure it out?”
He smiled but nodded at my laptop. “Get back to it.”
I stuck my tongue out at him when he turned and walked away. Then I looked down at Bobby and realized Dean hadn’t chastised him for being on the couch. “We’re breaking him, boy.”
“I heard that, brat.”
I wasn’t sure how much time had passed with me looking through pictures when Reed and Lennon got home. They looked frustrated until they saw me sitting on the couch, watching them. I fought the urge to hurry over to them with a sense of dread. We weren’t dating. I had to keep reminding myself of that.
Reed walked over and ran his hand over my hair. He looked me over and then frowned. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he spun on his heel and headed towards the stairs. “Dean!”
I sent Lennon a questioning look. “What’s wrong?”
He shrugged. “I’ll go handle it. You just keep going through those photos. We’re going to need more information to figure this shit out.”