I woke up and instantly went to my laptop. I had ideas burning through my brain, dying to escape. I didn’t stop until I heard a knock at my door and looked up to see Lennon sticking his head in.
I was about to shake my head but my stomach growled loudly. Sighing, I shut my laptop and nodded. “My body says yes.”
“Come on. You can help me plate up.” He saw my surprised expression and grinned. “While I still consider you a princess, I thought you should get out of your room for a while. We can go back to serving you later, if you’d like.”
I rolled my eyes and walked toward him. “I never asked to be served. Turd.”
He was standing so close I had to brush against him to get out of my room. His smirk said he’d meant to do it. “Do you need to raid my closet again?”
I perked right up. “Yes! As long as you understand I’m taking anything I grab home to the ranch with me.”
He nodded towards the stairs. “Go on.”
I reached up and kissed him on the cheek before rushing to his closet. After living in their t-shirts, I’d decided I’d continue to do so after leaving them. It was like living in a cloud and I didn’t have to wear a bra. I let myself into his room and went straight to his closet. I was debating between three when Lennon cleared his throat from behind me.
“Take as many as you want, Hellcat.”
I bit my lip and smiled up at him. “You’re being very generous.”
He nodded and leaned against the wall, looking every bit like a rugged male model. “I’m a giver. What can I say?”
My mind went south quickly and I blushed. “Do you think that’ll be the next lesson? Oral?”
He looked pained as he rubbed his jaw. “We were thinking of taking it a little slower than that.”
“Why?” I put my hands on my hips and turned to face him completely, shirts forgotten. “Dean had his fingers inside me last night and all parties seemed good with it. Why slow down? Someone could’ve fucked me days ago and I wouldn’t have thought it was too fast.”
“Hellcat…” Sighing, Lennon pushed away from the wall and moved so he was right in front of me. “We’re not supposed to be doing this at all.”
I grabbed two of his shirts, sending the hangers flying, and stomped past him. “I will never understand grown men who won’t take what they want because of some false sense of loyalty. Y’all are grown. I’m grown. I’m very clearly consenting. Y’all sport some mighty erections over me. At least, I think they’re over me. I don’t see why it’s even a conversation. But since it is and y’all want to slow down, I might as well put a little sign in front of my vagina that says out of service. Or maybe I’ll grow out a bush, shave it into the shape of a tombstone, and engrave it with a nice message that says ‘Here lies what once was a hopeful vagina. She died dreaming of doing what she loved.’ I mean, seriously. It’s one step forward and two steps back here. You should just give me that wand of Reed’s. I don’t need y’all.”
I’d ranted my entire way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and wielded it in Lennon’s direction. Except it wasn’t just Lennon anymore. Reed and Dean were there, too, looking amused at my antics.
“Well?” I crossed my arms and cocked my hip. “Are you going to give me the wand, or not?”
Reed laughed and the sound was so foreign that evenheseemed shocked by it. Shaking his head, he slowly moved closer to me. “I thought you’d be in a better mood today.”
“To be fair, she was.” Lennon held my gaze. “And then I told her we weren’t going to teach her oral as her third lesson. She’s an angry little thing when she doesn’t get what she wants.”
“Don’t talk about me like I’m not right here. God, you’re making me mad.” I barely got the sentence out before a loud alarm sounded. I forgot about my anger in my fear. “What is that? Why’s that going off?”
Dean pulled out his phone and groaned. He shut the alarm off and rubbed his temples. “The main reason for us to back off and just give you that wand is about to walk in here.”
A sinking feeling went through my body. “Mills?”
He nodded and I went running to my room, ignoring their questioning gazes. I yanked my shirt off and grabbed the clothing I’d arrived in. Dressing quickly, I took a few extra seconds to brush my hair and braid it in something I hoped looked innocent. I scooped up all evidence I was wearing the guys’ clothing and shoved it under the bed. Everything looked passable and just in time. I heard Dean welcoming Mills and took a deep breath before going out to act happy to see him.
“Mills!” I smiled and inched closer. We weren’t a big hugging family so I didn’t know exactly what I was supposed to do. My hands felt awkward at the ends of my arms so I just moved them around as I spoke, trying to make it feel natural. “Did you come to save me and take me back home?”
He ran an accessing gaze from my head to my toes, looking for signs of trouble. “Unfortunately, no. You’re here for the time being.”
I felt a real sense of loss then. “What do you mean? How long are you thinking? I can’t just stay here forever, Mills.”
“I mean that you’re here until this shit gets sorted out. I brought the pictures your assistant sent over.” Turning to Dean, Mills dismissed me that easily. “There are hundreds, if not thousands of police officers in the area we decided to check.”
Dean took the flash drive and tossed it to me. “Start looking for your man, Hel—Vera.”