There was no way she was about to describe her vibrators in detail. I held my breath and found myself leaning closer anyway.

“It’s a little bigger and has veins. He’s nice. I like him a lot. He doesn’t vibrate, though, so I guess he’s just a dildo. His name’s Larry. Then I have one that you can insert a vibrator into. He’s a girthy boy and holds a charge for hours and hours. I call him Garth…’cause he ain’t going down ’til the sun comes up. Get it?” She pushed her hair behind her ears and cleared her throat. “Or did you want details about when I use them? The last time I used one of them was that day you came to my door to find Bobby, Dean. You were such a dick and I guess it worked for me in that moment.”

Dean’s audible swallow filled the room like he’d done it into a mic. He stood up again and paced behind the couch. “You… Okay.”

“I almost tried here but then I found out about the cameras, thank god. That would’ve been embarrassing. Although, I guess it’s not any more embarrassing than the rest of this.” Considering her thoughts, she shook her head. “Actually, that would’ve been worse. Having you jerks hear me moan one of your names would’ve been a power exchange I don’t love.”

“Alright. That’s…enough.” Reed seemed to be struggling just as much as Dean was. “What about your list?”

“It’s all up here.” Vera tapped the side of her head. “I’ve had days to perfect it, so I didn’t need to write it down.”

“Write it down anyway. For us.” I nodded to her room. “Go get your laptop.”

She bounced up and bounced to her room, shirt doing little to hide her ass. When she got back to the couch, we were all suffering. I couldn’t remember a time when my dick had been harder, especially when I knew nothing was going to happen.

“Okay. So, I have my list divided into tiers. Should I start there?” She saw me nod and smiled brightly at me. “Okay. For the easy tier, I thought sexting and kissing would be a good jumping off point. Phone sex, obviously a little over the clothes humping.”

“Obviously.” My voice came out higher than normal and I had to clear my throat.

“The middle tier is a little bolder. Oral. Giving and receiving. Hand jobs and fingering. You know? That sort of thing. And sex.” She typed away at her computer, oblivious to our shocked expressions. “The third and final tier is the big one. Anal. Double penetration, if that’s something y’all are into. And…”

Reed froze next to me when Vera turned her gaze on him. “What?”

“Ropes.” She held strong, staring him down. “Spanking. All of the things you like, Reed. Submission, I’m guessing.”

Dean and I were silent, leaving Reed to deal with her how he saw fit. He was wound tight beside me, his energy wild. “You want to submit to me.”

She nodded like it was a question. “All for the sake of learning, of course. If I ever write a character like you, a man with darker interests, I want to be able to do him justice. My readers deserve that.”

“Darker interests.” Reed rubbed his forehead and wiped sweat from his upper lip. “You’re not ready for my dark interests.”

“Which is why I’d work my way up to them. Although, I wouldn’t mind not waiting for another spanking. Just because, this time. Not because you think I’m being bratty.”

“Because I think youarebeing bratty.” Reed seemed to be broken.

“I think that’s the jist of my list. I’m sure there are things I’m missing, but those are the big things.” She took a deep breath. “Yeah. Should I email you guys a copy of the list? How should we start? Oh. I guess I should ask if y’all even find me attractive? I don’t know. Maybe this is just charity work and you don’t think I’m cute. Maybe that erection was just a reaction to spanking me, Reed. This is going to be so embarrassing and awkward if y’all don’t actually want to touch me. That’s not exactly the story I’m looking to write. Oh, god. Now I’m panicking at the idea of three soft penises coming at me. Okay, someone say something.”

“Jesus Christ.” Dean braced his hands on the back of the couch and shook his head. “It was one thing to agree to do this when we weren’t in front of her. This is a whole different thing.”

“Crawling before walking.” Reed held up his hands to stop Dean, Vera, or me from talking. “We start small. Very small. You don’t rush us or we quit. You don’t say a word about this to anyone. We have your so-called lessons at night, after dinner. Any other time, we don’t talk about it. If you can’t agree to that, then we’re not doing it.”

Vera tilted her head to the side as she studied him. I wasn’t sure any of us were even breathing as we waited for her to agree or tell us to fuck off. She finally smiled and shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”



I stared at the three non-moving men across from me. They’d gone from in charge and no-nonsense to timid little puppies, it seemed. “How small are we starting? Kissing?”

Lennon made a strangled noise and looked back at Dean. Dean rubbed his jaw and glared back at him. I was starting to get a complex.

“We start with sexting.” Reed stood up and pointed to the kitchen. “Eat something. I’ll be back with a phone for you in a minute.”

Sexting? That was super small. I sighed and figured I had to take what I could get. “Okay. Sexting. I can do that.”

Left with just Dean and Lennon, I groaned and pushed off the couch. They were both being so weird that I wanted to punch them. Instead, I rolled my eyes at them and went to the kitchen to do what Reed said after putting my laptop away. I found the other half of a thick sandwich wrapped on a fridge shelf and grabbed it. I had already a bite taken from it when I turned around and saw Lennon standing directly behind me.

I jumped and worked hard to swallow my bite without choking on it. “Why are the three of you so quiet? If I have to stay here for much longer, I’m going to put bells on your shoes or something.”