I was nuts. There was no getting around it. All it had taken were a few throwaway comments from Ava to put an idea in my head which had no business being there. She was endlessly amused I’d ended up in a situation not unlike some of the ones in my books. I was trapped with three hot men who were charged with protecting me. My thoughts verged from Ava’s when it came to the outcome of the scenario. She thought love story. I was being more…practical.
I’d been faking my way through the sex scenes in my books. Not only did I not have experience with multiple sex partners; I didn’t have any experience at all. Having the most overbearing brothers had prevented me from getting out there. Plus, I knew all the guys in town almost as well as I knew my brothers. It just wasn’t in the cards. I’d wanted to lose all of my virginities in Harmony Valley but no one had caught my eye.
There I was, though, trapped in a house with three men I found very attractive. There was no chance of me getting feelings for them because they all drove me crazy. I knew they were safe. I knew that at least one of them found me attractive. I was ready to strike a devil’s bargain.
It took me a few hours before I finally managed to leave my room to propose my plan to them. I was terrified of being rejected or laughed at but I wasn’t one to back down because of fear.
The three of them were sitting at the island, their heads together as they stared down at a tablet. They looked up at me as I walked closer and having all of that attention on me while I was thinking the things I was thinking made me flush.
“Everything okay?” Lennon shut the tablet off and smiled at me.
I stood at the end of the island and tangled my fingers together behind my back. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
Reed took me by surprise when he spoke up. “Why don’t you want your brothers to know about your career?”
I let out a soft laugh. “Alright. I wasn’t expecting to talk about my brothers, but sure. Um… I don’t want them to know because they’re judgmental of everything I do. They’re so sure of who I am that I’m okay with them staying that way. Plus, if they knew about the things I wrote about, they’d probably bring back chastity belts.”
Dean coughed and hit his chest with his fist. Lennon laughed and then leveled me with a stare. “What things do you write about, Hellcat?”
There it was. My opening. I pushed my shoulders back and tried to be as open as possible. “Reverse harems. One woman with multiple men. My books are all romance with a heavy amount of spice.”
His face was hilarious. His mouth hung open loosely and he couldn’t seem to find words to reply with.
“Yeah. That’s exactly why I don’t want my brothers to know. They’d freak out.” I shook my head and pushed my brothers to the back of my head. “My books are kind of what I want to talk to y’all about.”
Dean stood up and ran his hands over his face. “Maybe that’s not a good idea.”
Ignoring him, I pressed on. “The thing is… I’m not writing from experience. At all. My books do well, sure, but I think they’d do so much better if I could pull from personal experience. Not the love parts. That’s whatever. I took some notes from my friend’s sex life and put them into my last book and it’s selling better than any of my other ones. I need experience. And that’s where I’m hoping y’all could come in.”
The entire house was as silent as a tomb until Reed slowly growled out a question. “What did you just say?”
“Okay. I’m going to lay all my cards out here. I’m a virgin. Not just a virgin when it comes to penis in vagina, but a virgin in every sense of the word. I’ve never done anything with anyone.” I took a deep breath and laid myself bare. “To help write the things I write, I need to know how it feels. If y’all help me, I’ll stop trying to escape. I’ll be the best prisoner you’ve ever had. All I need in return is…for you to…fuck me.”
Dean was choking again. Lennon’s jaw was practically on the floor. And Reed? Reed looked like he was about to break off a chunk of the countertop. There was a vein in his forehead I could practically see pulsing.
“I know it’s not a normal request. I know it’s a lot. I’m asking for everything. I would love to leave here with none of my virginities. The things I write about… I need to experience everything from blow jobs to anal, maybe even at the same time.” I pushed on, despite how hot my face felt. “Not ass to mouth, though. There are some things I don’t need to experience to know I’m not into them. Also, I’m not going to write that into a romance novel. That’s the sort of thing that shows up in male produced porn. No, thank you. I just meant, like…one of you would be in my—”
“Vera!” Dean’s choked shout should’ve shut me up. It didn’t.
“—ass and another in my mouth. And so many of my friends have three partners, so they do that and have someone else in their vag, too. I know I need to walk before I run, but I really do want to try everything. For research.” I’d crossed into rambling. “Okay. I don’t want to try everything. Like I said, no bodily functions. Other than come, I mean. I’m interested in that. Like, how it’d feel in me. And if I could describe the taste myself, that would be even better. I’ve read what other people say about it, but it’s not the same.”
“This is a joke. It has to be.” Dean had clutched his hair and was staring at me with a mix of anger and shock on his face.
“No joke. I don’t think I’ll ever have another opportunity like this one.”
Reed’s vein was going to blow if he didn’t relax. “This is an opportunity?”
I smiled and nodded. “Yeah! You aren’t locals. I doubt you’ll be staying around the ranch for long. I can fuck y’all and then never have to see you again to deal with the awkwardness.”
“Jesus Christ.” Dean motioned to his friends. “Say something. Someone.”
“I swear I won’t try to escape again. I’ll stop trying to make you crazy. You’ll barely even know I’m here.”
Lennon finally found his words. “You want us to fuck you and then pretend like you aren’t here?”