Still half-afraid of seeing a croc, she slowly turned to face the front of the board, and a gasp escaped her. Up ahead, the mangrove tunnel opened up into an expanse of blue-green ocean. Sunlight shimmered across the top of the calm water, and she shielded her eyes against the brightness.
Now this… This was beautiful. A tropical paradise.
Jude picked up the pace, propelling them away from the shore and the creepy mangroves, out into open water. She was torn between watching the muscles in his arms and chest bunch and flex with each pull of the paddle and the colorful coral reef racing by under the board.
Eventually, they came to a gliding halt. This far out, the white sand beach around the island looked like a rim of salt around a margarita glass, but the water was still fairly shallow and so clear she saw every fish that swam by below them. Jude sat down and laid the paddle alongside his leg, then unzipped the pack that she’d forgotten he still wore. He pulled out two bottles of water, handed her one, and then twisted off the cap of his own. As carefully as she could, she spun around so that she was facing him and watched him drink down the water in three long pulls. Sweat slicked his hair away from his face and made his skin shine in the sunlight.
“This better?” he asked when he finished and reached over his shoulder to return the empty bottle to the bag.
“It’s lovely.” She finished her own water and handed him the bottle. “It’s like nobody’s ever been here before.”
“And no creepy mangroves.” He shifted until he straddled the board, dipping his legs in the water up to just past his knees. Libby bet that felt wonderful and mimicked him, submerging her legs and kicking gently, propelling the board in small circles.
Jude chuckled, took hold of her under her knees, and dragged her toward him. His hands slipped upward, and little thrills zinged from the heat of his palms on her thighs to the tips of her breasts.
“Wanna try something?”
She eyed him, wary of the mischievous sparkle lighting his eyes. “Like what?”
“How good is your balance?”
“Really, you haven’t figured that out by now? Not good.”
“That’s okay. I have enough for the both of us.” He pulled her up so that she was straddling him instead of the board, and he nuzzled her cleavage, tugging down the front of her top with his teeth.
“Oh! Oh,” she gasped as his lips closed over a taut nipple. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” And yet she couldn’t bear to push him away.
His laughter brushed over her nipple and rumbled through her entire body. “Why not?”
“Because someone—” His thumb slipped under the edge of her swimsuit bottoms and found her clitoris. Pleasure warmed her limbs to pliant rubber. She tightened her legs around him to keep from falling off the board and bit her lip against the need to cry out. “Oh God. Someone could see us.”
“So we’ll show them how it’s done.”
“Libby,” he said in the same exasperated tone. “You’ve stood up in a moving car, gone paddle boarding through the mangroves. You’re a regular wild woman. What’s another risk? And a little one at that? There’s nobody around for miles.” His fingers joined his thumb, teasing her entrance but denying her full penetration until her hips bucked, insisting on more.
Male satisfaction tinged his smile. “What do you want?”
“More. Oh God, I want more. What do you do to me?”
“Make you come.” His voice was little more than a growl, and he delved his fingers deep into her sex. “Over and over again, I’ll make you come.”
Her entire being shuddered at his words and the intrusion of his fingers, but it wasn’t enough. She needed his body inside hers as she spasmed around him in climax. She reached between them and found his shaft hard, hot, and so ready for her. Wrapping her fingers around him, she squeezed and gave his length a slow, languorous stroke that left him groaning, his free hand clenching in her hair.
“Christ, Libby. Yeah, just like that. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” He guided her mouth to his for a branding kiss, and she felt powerful in the most deliciously feminine way, capable of making a strong man like him beg.
“Come here,” he whispered against her mouth, and his hands delved under her rear, lifting her up. Balancing her weight with one arm, he shoved down the front of his board shorts, freeing himself. Moisture beaded on the tip of his penis as he took himself in hand. “Reach around into my pack, front left pocket.”
She blinked and ripped her gaze away from his hand sliding up and down, up and down. “What?”
“Condoms,” he said between his teeth. “We need one.”
Wow, he’d thought of everything. She leaned into him and reached over his shoulder, fumbling around to find the right pocket. And maybe she had a little fun teasing him, letting her sex rub against the broad head of his straining erection. The rumble that came from his throat was the most gratifying sound she’d ever heard.
There were at least ten foil packets in the zippered pocket, and she had to laugh. That was her Jude. The eternal optimist.
She handed him one and watched between their bodies as he rolled it on. He held it in place with one hand and guided her hips down with the other.