“Ride me.”

Yes. God, yes. In that second, she wanted nothing else.

She dug her nails into his hard shoulders for balance and lowered herself onto him, welcomed him inside her body, rocking until he was as deep as he could go. Then she stilled, enjoying the pulsing, impatient length of him stretching her to the delicious edge between pain and pleasure.

“Babe,” he groaned, “you gotta move.”

Sweat beaded on his upper lip, the cords in his neck strained at the effort of holding still, and his erection bucked in demand inside her—but she had him trapped, and they both knew it. He had to balance the board so this was 100 percent her show, and call her evil, but she wanted to torture him a bit first.

“I don’tgottado anything for you.” She wound her fingers in his hair and tugged his lips toward hers, grinding against him in slow circles, letting the sparks of pleasure tingling along her nerve endings guide her movements.

He growled and reached for her waist, but the board started to list to one side. With a curse against her lips, he dropped his hands and readjusted his balance, then scowled at her. “You’re enjoying this.”

“Yes,” she said. “Yes, I am.” She lifted her hips until nothing but his tip penetrated her, then sank back onto him with deliberate, agonizing slowness and watched his eyes glaze over with pleasure. “And so are you.”

He made a sound close to a whimper as she lifted herself off him again. “You’re killing me.”

“Then you’ll die a happy man.”

This time, his laughter came out somewhere between a gasp and a grumble. “You make me so fucking crazy, you know that?”


She rode him until the tips of her fingers numbed and their breaths mingled in heavy pants. His mouth found her breast again, and the tug of his teeth on her nipple surged all the way to her womb. That was it, all she needed, and her climax shuddered through her in wild bursts of color and sensation that left her in a state of dizzy bliss.

When she opened her eyes again, she realized Jude had taken control, somehow holding the board steady as he grasped her hips and pumped in short, hard strokes. She watched the erotic slide of his body disappearing into hers, saw his sexy stomach muscles convulse just before his head dropped back and he groaned in climax.

Beautiful. Wild, complicated, and dangerous. So very dangerous but now, with her second orgasm building to a shattering peak, she didn’t care.

As the electric tingles subsided, she collapsed against him in a clumsy, gasping heap that made the board rock.

“Careful.” Jude lifted her and pulled off the condom, sliding it into the package it came in, then dropping it into an empty pocket in his pack for later disposal. He tucked himself back into his shorts before adjusting her bikini bottom, covering her again. She couldn’t decide if he was a jerk for worrying about her modestynowor if the action was incredibly sweet. Either way, her heart gave a giddyba-bumpin response.

With the sigh of well-sated man, Jude settled back on the board, using his pack for a pillow. He pulled her on top of him and draped one arm over his eyes. They lay together like that for a long time, soaking in the warm sun, listening to the soft lap of the water against their board and the gutturalgaw gaw gawof birds calling out, almost as if scolding them for their promiscuity. Libby smiled at the thought and lifted her head. They were closer to shore now, had drifted away from the beach and back toward the mangroves, and she could see a handful of black, brown, and yellow birds flitting through the branches. The sun sat lower in the sky, casting deep shadows around the mangrove roots, and worry started to edge out her good mood. She bit her lip. Part of her—the lazy, sun-warmed, sex-sedated part—didn’t want today to end, but the rest of her definitely didn’t want to be anywhere near those trees after dark.

“We should get back before the sun sets.”

Jude gave no reply. She looked down at him.


Typical man, she thought with amusement. Give ‘em an orgasm and it’s lights out. She took a moment to watch the steady rise and fall of his chest, to admire the way the bright red-gold evening sunlight made the ink in his tattoos pop to brilliant life.

Maybe she could get a tattoo. She’d always secretly wanted one and what better time and place to get one than here in this paradise, when her real life felt so far away as to be nonexistent.

But, no, that was ridiculous. Foolish, even. Jude’s insanity must be contagious.

She poked him in the ribs and smiled when he grumbled.

“Jude, we need to get moving. I don’t want to be out here after dark.”

Cracking open one eyelid, he glanced around. “Aw, fuck. You’re right.” He stretched, yawned. “Hot, mind-blowing sex makes me sleepy.”

Libby ignored the flush warming her neck and cheeks. “Will they send someone looking for us if we don’t get back to the rental place soon?”

“Probably. But how about we meet them halfway?” After another contented stretch, he instructed, “Sit up and turn around. Slowly. I’d rather you didn’t dump us with that shark swimming over there.”

Her heart jumped into her throat. “What shark?”