AFEW MINUTES AFTER GLASS HADleft, someone knocked on Devine’s door.
“Who is it?”
He opened the door and said, “Detective Braddock, long time no see.”
“You’re a fast healer.”
“Lucky for me.”
Devine sat on the bed and Braddock in the one chair.
“Let me guess, your men followed Glass and his goons here and you came along to see if I was still in one piece?”
“So what did he want with you?”
Devine explained what had happened in court.
Braddock shook his head. “So he gets off on the RICO charges and you get stuck with the girl and Glass is pissed?”
“There are other forces at work here,” said Devine. “Glass has heat coming his way. He’s apparently in bed with our government against a mutual adversary, and I’m not sure how this is all going to play out.”
“You’re DHS, so you should havesomeidea. And if that ‘adversary’ is here in Seattle looking to bury Glass, I need to know.”
“I’m not in the loop with stuff like that, Detective, sorry.”
“Then you need togetin the loop, Devine. For all I know, terrorists are descending on the Pacific Northwest even as we speak.”
“I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Thentellme this: When will you take guardianship of Betsy Odom?”
“Tomorrow.”If I’m still alive, he thought.
“I can provide you some protection.”
“I was thinking about moving her out of Seattle. Too many people here and I won’t see it coming until it’s too late.”
“Where are you planning to take her?”
“Need to know, Detective.”
Braddock sat back, looking miffed, but clearly understanding Devine’s caution.
“Okay. FYI, that print on the shell casing that Beth took?”
“Did you get a hit?”
“What we got was a notice of restricted access on a database that reeks of federal involvement.”
“We think one of the boys who took you was working foryourside.” Braddock cocked his head. “You don’t look surprised.”
“I would have been, but now that I know how the sides are lining up on this sucker, all the surprise has been drilled right out of me. Anything on Mercedes King’s prints?”
“Funny you should mention that. I just got the report. Not even Beth has seen it yet.”