Page 94 of To Die For

“On his orders?” she asked.

“Presumably, but it’s not like there’s proof of that. The guy has an ankle monitor, so he wasn’t personally involved, but he has plenty of muscle to do the job.”

“Anyone looking into those murders?”

“I’m sure there are,” he replied.

“Can you get me the names of the witnesses?”

He looked at her in surprise. “Why?”

“I’d like to dig into it, too.”

“I can,” he said.


After they had finished eating, Walker said, “You better shower and change, and I’ll do the same. I’ll drive us over in my car.”

As Devine walked off, he prayed that today would go better than yesterday had.



WHEN THEY ARRIVED AT THEhotel, Devine made introductions with Beth Walker and Saxby and Odom. Saxby at first had seemed leery about a local police officer in the mix, but Walker’s cordial manner soon put her at ease.

“What happened to your face, Devine?” asked Saxby. “It’s all bruised and scratched. And you’re moving a little stiff. Please don’t tell me someone else tried to kill you?”

Devine glanced at Walker before saying, “Just a little blowup. No big deal.”

Walker hiked her eyebrows at this comment, but then she turned to Odom. “I’m so sorry about your parents, Betsy.”

“Thanks,” Odom said curtly.

Devine said, “You ready to meet with your uncle?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

He noted that she had on new clothes, presumably from her shopping trip with Saxby. He could tell that the pair seemed to have reached a truce of sorts; at least their manner toward each other appeared relaxed and amiable.

“And the court hearing?” asked Devine.

“Agent Saxby sort of walked me through what it will be like. I’m just going to tell the truth if I have to say anything.”

“Always a good idea,” observed Walker.

“And have you decided on your uncle being your guardian?” asked Devine.

She didn’t answer him, but simply put on her new coat and headed to the door.

They drove over to the Four Seasons in Walker’s car. They were met at the entrance by Glass’s majordomo, Dennis Hastings. He was dressed in a suit, but with a tie this time.

Devine had to vouch for Walker’s presence, and although Hastings didn’t like the notion of a cop and an FBI agent meeting the boss, Devine made it clear that it was all or none.

Hastings phoned Glass about it, and a minute later he nodded at Devine. “Let’s go.”

As they were heading up in the elevator car, Devine turned to Hastings and said, “So what’d you do last night? Anything fun?”