He gave her a long stare before continuing. “OrDanielGlass, as Doris Chandler told me. Glass also requested that the Odoms’ remains be cremated.”
“How was this Glass person able to do that?” she asked, her expression one of benign curiosity.
“He’s next of kin, Alice Odom’s brother.”
“Oh, okay, so what’s the problem?”
“Are you still holding to the position that you don’t know who Danny Glass is?”
“Should I?” she replied coolly.
“Probably, but who am I to judge? He’s been accused of being a world-class criminal and is currently the target of a federal RICO criminal prosecution in Seattle. It’s gotten a lot of juice in the media.”
She took another swallow of her wine and said, “I’m afraid I don’t know much about a global criminal. I’m just the mayor of a small town and keep my full attention here.”
“That government center must have cost millions to build. And all that military-grade police equipment. Another big price tag.”
“Those vehicles were purchased with generous support from DHS, which is your agency, correct? They did the same thing with lots of localities after 9/11.”
“The equipment I saw is nowhere near twenty-plus years old. Or even ten years old.”
“We’ve updated, again with generous government subsidies. And Eric is highly respected in the law enforcement community, so we get those sorts of perks from the state as well.”
Apparently, he’s not so respected in the eyes of the other state law enforcement agencies, thought Devine as he recalled what Braddock had told him about Eric King.
“And the building?”
“Just good old-fashioned taxes.”
“Didn’t think the tax base here was that big.”
“You know, I’m suddenly not hungry and I have unfinished business to attend to.” She rose and looked down at him. “I hope you enjoy thenighthere in Ricketts, Agent Devine. And best of luck wherever it is you end up.”
Like a grave, you mean?thought Devine.
She added, “I passed your car coming in here. I recognized it from earlier at the government building. The glass is shattered and there’s what looks to be holes in the driver’s side door.”
“Just a road rage incident.”
“My goodness, you must report that to the police.”
“Maybe I’ll take it up directly with your husband.”
Devine watched as she headed off. Her hips and buttocks did not sway as before. The woman just walked like she owned the place.
And apparently she does. The whole place.
He took out his phone and snapped a picture of King’s face in the reflection of the mirror she was walking toward. Devine figured it might come in handy at some point.
He next gripped the stem of her glass, poured her wine into his, carefully wrapped it in a cloth napkin, and walked out.
DEVINE DIDN’T BOTHER TO STAYat the bed-and-breakfast recommended by Mercedes King. He didn’t think it would be good for his health. He found a hardware store still open, bought cardboard and duct tape, and did his best to fix his mess of a 4Runner for the drive back.
He got on the road and along the way he called Nate Shore on the phone he’d given the men.