Devine pocketed them and said, “Your assistant, Dawn Schuman? You thought she was the leak that I’m dealing with?”
“We haven’t found her. Or her body. Yet. But it seems clear that she’s the one. I still find it hard to believe that she was turned, but there’s no other explanation for her disappearance.”
“So she compromised my phone before she ran for it?”
“Or gave the folks she was dealing with the info they needed to crack it.”
“I guess I’m lucky the girl on the train didn’t stick a syringe filled with liquid fentanyl in my gut when she slid the note in my pocket.”
“Iamsurprised they let that opportunity go by,” noted Campbell.
“And hopefullyrelieved,” added Devine coldly.
Campbell gave him the military once-over: stare, glare, but then, out of the blue, a touch of understanding, compassion even. “Look, Devine, I know you’re pissed about this and you have every right to be. But we are doing all we can to resolve this as quickly as possible.”
“Good, because I’m not sure I can count on them to keep sending idiots I can kill before they kill me.”
“I understand your frustration, soldier. I really do.”
“Then my work on that is done, sir.” He drew a four-second breath to quell the fury in his chest. “What now?”
“Another assignment. West Coast.”
“Why? To get me far, far away from here?”
“And to get you to a place where you’re needed. To provide security for someone.”
“So I’m now a glorified bodyguard?”
“And maybe a blast from the past for you.”
“Okay, you have my full attention.”
“Danny Glass? Name ring a bell?”
Devine nodded. “Iraq. We were thrown together during a mission. His actions helped save all our butts. I recommended him for a commendation. What’s his involvement?”
“He left the Army shortly after the battle you just referred to. And his reputation is not a good one.”
“I’d heard some scuttlebutt way back when about him, but feel free to elaborate.”
“The government is going after him in a big criminal lawsuit out in Seattle. Buddy of mine at the Justice Department got in touch. Wanted to know if I had a good man for this mission. He mentioned Danny Glass’s involvement, and I recalled that you had known Glass from your military days. It seemed like a good fit. I told my buddy that and he agreed.”
“And do you trust yourbuddy?”
“Yes. We served together before he jumped to the civilian side. Saved his life once.”
“In combat?” asked Devine.
“No, on the LA freeway. Road rage incident.”
“Okay, what else?”
“Glass has a niece, Betsy Odom, age twelve. Her parents recently died, and Glass is her only living relative. He wants to become her guardian and eventually adopt her.”
“And why does that interest DOJ?”
Campbell pulled an old-fashioned paper file out of his desk and plopped it in front of him. “To be perfectly candid, I don’t know all of it, which I don’t like one bit. It’s not how we did things in uniform but it’s something we apparently have to live with in joint ops like this. But with that said, I’m going to do all I can to get a fuller picture. And anything I find out you will know right away. I don’t like sending my people into harm’s way on half-ass briefings.”