Page 25 of To Die For

Saxby looked furiously at Devine. “Can you believe that crap? That’s assault against a federal agent.”

“Come on. Put yourself in her twelve-year-old shoes. What would you do?”

“Someone needs to teach her some manners.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“And I’m not going to. Now, you did your job, Devine. So get the hell out of here. With any luck the court will grant Glass the temporary guardianship and she’ll be off my hands.”

“Boy, you really did a one-eighty on your view about Glass taking control of her.”

“I actually think they’re meant for each other. Now go.”

Devine glanced at the bedroom door, where he thought he could hear Odom crying. “Make sure nothing happens to the girl, okay?” he said.

“I’ll do my job. Without any help or commentary from you.”

She shoved Devine out the door.

Devine walked out into the street and phoned Emerson Campbell.

Because there is no way in hell I can leave that kid like this.



DEVINE WAS ON THE PHONEwith Campbell all the way back to his hotel, explaining what had happened thus far, and his desire to stay in town to follow up on the situation.

“I knew this might turn out to be a lot more complicated than it was presented,” opined Campbell. “There was too much unknown about it. Nice to know my instincts are still clicking.”

“Yes, sir.”

“This FBI agent sounds like a nutjob. What’s your take on her?”

“She has her issues, for sure. But I don’t have a good read yet.”

“I’ll find out what I can about her from some of my Bureau contacts. And Odom?”

“Mature way beyond her years in some ways. She’s had a rough time of it. And I’m still not clear on why the Bureau took custody of her.”

“What info on Glass could this Rollins guy have had?”

“Don’t know. But the cop in charge of his murder investigation wants to know what I’m doing out here.”

Campbell said, “Go easy on that for now, Devine. I need to speak with our folks before you reveal anything. The local cops could screw something up.”

“And why did the Bureau even need me? Saxby could have escorted Betsy to the meeting with Glass.”

“This might have started out with you escorting someone, Devine. But now this is about you hanging around until this thing is resolved, which sounds like that’s what you want to do.”

“She asked for help, yes. I’m prepared to give it. This thing is so messed up, I can’t walk away in good conscience, sir.”

“But from all accounts, Glass is one mean son of a bitch, so you need to tread carefully.”

“He tries really hard not to look the part, which makes him even more dangerous. The real cowards act tough and then keel over dead when you make a fist.”

“Youhave any idea why he wants the girl?”