Page 105 of To Die For

Campbell said, “I heard about the RICO case being dropped.”

“You have any idea why itwasdropped? The RICO lawyer mentioned something about it being in the interest of national security.”

“Yes, but I’m not going to say it over the phone.”

“What then?”

“I’m coming out there.”

“Is it that serious?”

“Yes, it is.”

“And the chopper she mentioned?”

“If it’s the bird I think she’s talking about, there are only two agencies that currently deploy it, at least that I know of. DHS… and CIA.”

“Great. The spooks at Langley are playing their stupid games again.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions. We don’t know for sure.”

“What might they have to do with Glass? Sleeping with the enemy?”

“We’ll discuss when I get there. I’m coming to Seattle tonight and staying at your hotel.”

Devine debated whether to tell him about the meeting with the girl on the train, but decided against it. Campbell might deploy men to follow him and that would blow up any chance of Devine getting to the bottom of this.

She did save my life. And she could have killed me at the airport. I can’t completely trust her, of course. But maybe I can listen.

“And your mole?”

“We’re almost there, Devine. Almost there.”

Campbell clicked off and Devine pulled over and texted the names of the dead witnesses to Beth Walker. Then he drove on to his hotel.

When he opened the door to his room Devine found that there was someone already there.

Danny Glass said, “We need to talk. Right now.”



HASTINGS, AND TWO OF GLASS’Sother men, stepped out of the bathroom and surrounded Devine.

“No worries, guys,” said Devine. “You can skip cleaning the room today and I won’t be needing turndown service, either.”

“Shut up and sit down,” barked Glass.

“And why should I do either one?”

Hastings and the men pulled their weapons and pointed them at Devine.

“Okay, I’ll give you ten minutes, but only because I don’t want any of you to get hurt.” Devine sat on the edge of the bed.

Then Glass did something unexpected. He ordered his men out of the room.

When they were alone, Devine said, “I’m listening?”