“Hmm…” The sound is unfairly sexy. I cup my dick, trying to quell its automatic response. “You could meet my friends.”

“I already know Drew and Olivier,” I remind him.

“But how did you know we were friends?”

“I know a lot of things, Christian, as I’m sure you do, too. So would you like to find your own ride, or would you rather I come collect you and bring you home?”

He laughs. “Collect me, obviously.”


I hang up the phone, roll out of bed and try to find something suitable to wear to a place in Hell’s Kitchen called Kettle.



Ithought he was being dramatic. Exaggerating. Bluffing? And yet, there’s a part of me that isn’t at all surprised when Gibson Hayes appears in the doorway of the bar, his eyes scanning the crowd before quickly landing on me.

He’s wearing a gray V-neck shirt, jeans, and black shoes I can’t make out. He looks casually un-fucking believable.

I can believe he’s here about as much asI can’t believe he’s here for me.

Drew drapes an arm over my shoulder and leans in. “I forgot how big he is.”

“Who?” Jericho asks, turning to look at where I can’t stop staring. Joe turns, too, and Jeremy’s eyes widen.

“Bravo, Chris,” the Brit says.

“Drew, you can take your hands off Christian now—his boyfriend’s here.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I say to Ollie who has a zero tolerance policy for Drew touching other men. Especially single men. As if Drew wouldeverstray. He’s so stupidly obsessed with Olivier, I’m half tempted to show Ollie my text thread with Drew—which is mostly pictures he’s taken of Ollie from either very flattering or incredibly unflattering angles—along with all my responses like “adorable” or “funny” which Drew always hearts.

“He’s here for you either way,” Olivier says, “So welcome to couple’s night, officially.”

I rise from my seat as Gibson comes around the table. Placing my hand on the most neutral spot I can think of—his left shoulder blade, I introduce him. “Gibson, this is Jericho and her fiancé Joe.”

They both wave and Gibson nods their way.

“Jeremy and his boyfriend Larry. You said you know Drew and Ollie, but just in case—this is my boss Gibson.” I turn to him and explain the missing couple as if he cares or is even wondering. “Elodie and Mal had a show to go to, so that’s why they’re not here. They’re all nice enough to let me tag along even though I’m single.”

“Not tonight you’re not,” Ollie says. “Have a seat, Gibson.”

Gibson looks at me, and it feels like all the alcohol hits my bloodstream at once. He looks annoyed, cool, and confident all at once, but more than that—he looksterritorial. Expectant.Demanding.Likepull out the fucking chair already.

I do immediately, and he sits. I squeeze in between him and Drew. Gibson’s hand lands just above my knee before quickly running up my thigh and clenching. Licking my lips and trying to compose myself, I offer him my drink.

He takes it, draining the glass with impunity. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

“Not at all, and we’re delighted to have you,” Jericho says with her wide, welcoming smile. “Christian was just telling us about your after hours misadventures, and I think we can all agree we’re impressed with our little poet.”

Jesus.“In fairness, I didn’t tell youeverything. Stop making it sound like I kiss and tell.”

“Now we need to know more,” Larry says, which I’ll admit is asurprise coming from him, but he’s looking at Gibson like he’s a melting popsicle that needs to be licked immediately. I find myself wrapping a hand around Gibson’s thigh, too.

“The usual inappropriate shenanigans,” I say. “Just because I’m single and having fun doesn’t make you all entitled to my extracurricular activities.”

“What exactly have you told them?” Gibson asks in a low voice that’s still loud enough for everyone to hear.