His cock is thick and hard. The tip slick and dark. I’m about to push him to the bed and take it into my mouth when he drops to his knees and wraps his lips around mine.
“Fuck!” I cry, the shock of it coupled with how warm and wet his tongue is makes my knees buckle, and I have to grab him by the shoulders so I don’t collapse.
“Umph…Christ,” he gasps, jerking me in his fist a few times before engulfing me again.
“Goddamn, that feels good,” I tell him. It certainly doesn’tfeellike he’s never done this before. His pulls on my cock are long and powerful. His tongue is busy wrapping me up and twisting around my shaft, flicking quickly over the tip before swirling back down my length again. It feels impossible—like something only a high end sex toy could do—sending zaps of intensifying pleasure down my legs and up my spine.
It would be easy to come. It’s not like I can remove my mind from the moment and try to focus on something else. He’sconsumingme.
“Is this what you want?” I manage to ask.
Because maybe it is. Maybe getting fucked by a man is a bridge too far for Gibson Hayes. Especially one he can so aptly dominate. It’s not like he doesn’t have me on the ropes even while he’s the one on his knees.
Our eyes meet—his lips stretched and red around my shaft. He circles me with his tongue as I stare down at him. I swallow hard, using so much restraint, it’s making me light-headed. Lightly running a hand up my leg, his thumb grazes the thin skin of my inner thigh, and then, without breaking eye contact, he takes me deep.
That’s a yes.
I clamp a hand on his shoulder and let my hips move with him, chasing the release he’s determined to suck out of me. Yes.Yes.
Blissed out, I let every sensation spill through my veins,heating my core and turning it molten. My thighs shudder, pressure building in my groin. “Fuck, I’m gonna come,” I warn him, in case I wasn’t clear enough that I was extremely close.
He slows down, but deepens his suction, elongates the strokes of his tongue, and seems to savor the erratic pulses of precum spurting from my tip. He moans and closes his eyes, blowing me like he’s in a trance.
It’s mind-bendingly erotic, and the sound of Gibson’s wet mouth surrounding my length tips the balance. I come with a choked gasp, the orgasm gripping my insides and shattering my dick. The second my cum gushes into his mouth, he grips me by the base and tugs me like he intends to drain my balls.
I’m not sure I’ll stay standing long enough for him to do that. I throw my head back, gasping for air, fighting to stay upright. He sucks as I spill and spill, the contractions in my groin resulting in sharp spasms of my cock, and with every one, I feel like I’m coming all over again. It feels infinite.
I’m clawing air into my lungs as he moves to kiss and tongue my crown, cleaning up whatever drops are left. He finally stops, rising to his feet just in time to follow me down as I collapse on the bed. I may be weak, addled, and jerking with aftershocks, but I dig deep, rolling him to his back to press my mouth to his.
I sweep the taste of myself mingled with whiskey off his tongue, and it’s not bad. Good, in fact. A low growl escapes me as I search for more of the distinct flavor in every place I can reach.
Breathless, he gropes at my ass, and I whimper because—ouch. “Sorry,” he whispers, moving his hands up my back. His hips rock, restless and searching for friction.
His mouth is lazy as it accepts mine, but his body is tense and vibrating. He needs to get fucked, and he just sucked the ability to do it right out of me. Asshole. Is he always this self-destructive?
He pisses me off so bad, and I swear I can’t get enough of it.
Needing to come this badly is an edge of misery and ecstasy I haven’t ridden in I don’t know how long.
I’ve stopped trying to understand what I want and maybe especially why I want it. If Christian’s the one serving it up, I’ll take it. His hands and mouth are all over me. My arms, my chest, my fucking nipples—Jesus. “Like that,” I pant, trying to hold his head in place.
Not that it matters. His hands are sweeping up and down my sides, caressing my ribcage and even shoving up my arms where he rubs his palms through my pits and over my triceps. I spread my legs wide, knees bent, my hips fucking into whatever they can find, even if it’s only air.
When he goes down on me, I shudder with relief as my cock sinks into the tight, hot depth of his mouth. But the relief only lasts for maybe a minute before he pulls off my cock and goes to work on my balls.
“Oh—God.” My neck arches off the bed and pressure builds in my face. Somehow he manages to hold both my nuts at once, his tongue playing with them while his mouth gently tugs. I grab mydick, choking it off at the root, desperate to get a handle on myself so I can do what I came here to do—let Christian fuck me.
I won’t lie and say I’ve been wondering what this was like my whole life or anything. It’s mainly just been since last night when he brought it up, but it’s almost all I’ve thought of when I haven’t been dealing with the rest of the shit I had to deal with today. I was sure at the bar I’d been such a turn off. So pathetic and whipped—a fool. Who could possibly want me in their bed after hearing what I’d done? After seeing me like that?
Letting my balls go with a pop, he puts his hands on my shins and urges my feet off the bed.
Like I’m in heat, I grasp the backs of my thighs, opening up for him. He lifts my sac and licks at my hole.Shit—how does that feel so fucking good?
It should feel humiliating and dirty, but judging by the noises I’m making, it’s my new favorite thing. I was aggressive withhishole. Like I was trying to chew my way through him, but he’s a tease. He’s all wet licks and quick flicks until I feel like I’m gaping open for him.