I shrug and look down at my menu. “What if I don’t live up to the hype? What if I’m his big rebound? I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong—he should absolutely divorce her—he’s miserable. He was so unhappy when I took the assistant job.”
“He looks pretty happy to me,” she says.
“Sometimes,” I admit.
“And other than the bleeding out part, you seem good, too.”
“Half the time I feel delirious, and the other half, I wanna puke.”
She laughs. “Sounds about right.”
“He’s amazing, right?”
“Yes, Christian. He’s lovely. Handsome, smart, funny, totally into you.”
“So, I’m not crazy. I’m not missing something—some huge red flag?”
“Not at all. He’s exactly as obsessed with you as I want him to be.”
That makes my cheeks heat. “Thanks.”
I get a text and check my phone.
She’s back
“Here we go,” I mutter, tapping out a quick response.
Can I see you later, or do you want to wait?
Nothing’s changed. I’ll text you after dinner.
I frown. Does that mean they’re having dinner together? Should that bother me?
I’m about to put my phone in my pocket, but he texts again.
I love you
It makes my breath catch.I can’t let that go unacknowledged, so I remind him I’m right there with him.
I love you. Can’t wait to see you.
I shut off the screen and pocket the phone before I get choked up and start spilling every last gut I have into a long text while Jericho sits silently and watches.
“All good?” she asks.
“I hope so.”
I don’t hearfrom Gibson again until after nine. I get so little done after lunch, that I end up heading across the park to the west side to look for abandoned properties. I’ve been walking for over two hours when he texts me. My nerves are raw, my thoughts are a mess, and my hand is shaking as I click to openhis message.
Where are you?
Walking. You home?