“They went to high school together.”
Silas’s dark eyebrows rise.
“As a reminder—my dad got my mom pregnant when he was seventeen so Gibson’s not ancient or anything. He’s in his forties.”
“I didn’t realize your parents were so young.”
“Yeah. Well…”
“But that’s still not weird? Did you like—grow up knowing him?”
“No. Knowingofhim—I maybe met him once when I came to New York while I was in grade school, but I honestly don’t remember. My father told me to contact him when I moved to the city, and he gave me a job.”
“And an apartment now, right?”
“Well, yeah.”
“So…how long’s this been going on?”
“Literally like a week. He needed a part-time personal assistant, and it just kinda happened.”
“You know his wife is?—”
“That’s kinda why I wanted to see you,” I say, glad he was the one to bring up Marianne first.
“I’ve got no advice if that’s what you’re hoping for.”
“No—I don’t need advice. His marriage is a whole mess that doesn’t concern me, except when it comes to you.”
Silas narrows his gaze. “What do you know?”
“Why’d you try to cancel today?”
His jaw clenches. “Because I was up all night.”
“Look—I’ll put all my cards on the table,” I tell him, wanting him to trust me like he used to. “I know Marianne Hayes is—threatening Graham.” I almost said blackmailing, but stopped at the last second, since Gibson is technically the perpetrator, and threats are a hell of a lot more legal adjacent than blackmailing a U.S senator.
“Right. He said he needed to end things.”
“And he explained why?” I ask.
“I guess because he doesn’t want to get taken to the cleaners in the divorce…” Silas glances away. “I don’t know. Why does any closeted, repressed gay dude leave their partner of two years when his wife finds out about him? Don’t tell me you’re surprised.”
I don’t know what I am if I’m being honest. “Did he tell you about the video?”
Silas’s brows draw together. “No. What video?”
“Marianne somehow got a hold of a video of Graham and you—in your apartment.”
Silas loses all the color in his face. “Like—avideo?”
I nod.
“Did you see it?”
“Enough to know it’s the ultimate leverage for Avery, and that it would put you in a spotlight you definitely don’t deserve.”
“So, are you saying he’sprotectingme? Because it didn’t come across like that. It came across like he was being weak and fucking selfish.”