He looks at me and sets the empty water bottle down.
“I’m sorry about earlier.”
“Why?” he asks, with genuine confusion.
“Because I was a dick.”
“You were fine. I should have texted. I apologize. Time got away from me.”
“How much of that vodka did you drink?”
“We split the bottle,” he says.
I raise my brows. “You sure you don’t want to go back to bed?”
“Oh, I do.”
“You want to switch places? You can have the couch?”
It’s such a stupid offer because his bedroom is probably fifty feet away. But he gets up, and I start to stand. He holds up a hand to stop me. When he gets to the couch, he puts that same hand on my chest to keep me still and sits next to me. “You’re not dressed for a nap,” he says, “but I’ll allow it.”
“I think I’ve had too much coffee to sleep.”
“Humor me. I’m paying you.”
“Worst boss ever.”
“You didn’t read the paperwork did you?”
“Naps were in the paperwork?” I ask.
“No, but there was absolutely nothing in it that said I couldn’t harass you.”
“Was that on purpose?”
He laughs softly. “You can quit at any time for any reason.”
“But how will I sue you?”
“Just blackmail me. I’m easy.”
“I should be recording this, I guess.” I say as my face drifts closer to his.
“I’ll wait,” he says, gaze dropping to my mouth.
My dick swells in a rush as he leans in and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I missed you,” he whispers.
“You too.”
“What the fuck are we doing?”
“I don’t have a clue,” I say.
“Are you okay with it?” he asks, serious.
“Of course.”
“You don’t feel like I’m making some power play, or you can’t say no?”