He looks good.
Tall and handsome.
A five-o’clock shadow dusts his face.
Despite being in his house, he still appears grumpy, with no smile on his face.
He steps back and allows me to enter, and when I do, I let out a small gasp.This place is gorgeous.It’s large and open.
Dane steps up to me, and I step back.
That makes him smirk, and I raise an eyebrow at him. “What?”
“Now that you’re here, are you going to play this game?”
“And what game is that?”
“That you don’t want to come all over my cock.”
I open my mouth to say something, but before I can get the words out, he pulls me toward him. Then his lips find mine.
He kisses me as if I’m water and he’s been in a desert.Hedevours me. Plunders my mouth with his tongue. I sink against him, letting him take over and guide me.
I’m putty in his hands, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
He pulls away, taking a step back. “Let’s get a drink and go over some ground rules.”
I roll my eyes. “And there he is again.”
“Mr. Grumpy Pants.”
He throws his head back and laughs, a sound I don’t hear often, and it warms my belly.
The sound is so beautiful I vow to always try to make him laugh. “Well, we can’t all be hellfire, can we?”
“Nope. That’s my job.” I start to walk, placing one foot in front of the other, and wink at him. “I like Poseidon for you.”
“Poseidon, ehh. Not sure it works?” He lifts his hand in my direction. “I seem to have lost my trident.”
I lift my shoulder. “Well, he is the grumpy one.”
“If I’m Poseidon, who does that make you? Aphrodite?”
“Don’t you mean Amphitrite?”
He shakes his head. “No. Amphitrite ran from Poseidon to the mountains. Aphroditealwaysran toward him. Always followed him.”
“Are you saying I follow you?” I place my hands on my cheek, channeling my best Kevin fromHome Aloneface.
“If the shoe fits.”
A laugh bubbles from my mouth. “I’m actually impressed. You know your Greek mythology.”
“I bet you will find there’s a lot I can do to impress you.”