Her brow rises. “What?”
I wiggle my fingers. “Give me your hand.”
Her eyes narrow in on first my hand and then my face. “Why?”
I roll my eyes with a sigh. “Do you ever stop asking questions, Hellfire?”
“Nope. And I don’t think you would like me as much if I did.”
“You think I like you?” I tilt my head down and smirk.
“You must, or you would have told me to fuck off.”
I throw my head back and laugh, shaking my head. “The night is still young.”
“That’s true,” she says.
“I won’t be getting any younger if you make me wait,” I grindout, trying to put as much irritation into my words as possible, but it doesn’t land.
“Wait for what?”
I lower my arm and lift it once more for effect. “Again . . . give me your hand.”
She grins, clearly enjoying the moment between us. Finally, after a few more seconds, she reaches out, and I take both her hands in mine.
“You don’t have skates, but you don’t need them today.”
I pull her forward out onto the ice. She starts to slip, but I wrap my hand higher up her arm and grip her around the waist with my other hand.
“Next time, I’ll come prepared and give you your first lesson, but for now, I’ll do it this way.”
I start to slowly push her backward and watch as her eyes widen. Is that fear I see?
She quickly clamps her lips together and straightens a little, but it throws off her balance, and she starts to slip. The silence of the rink reminds me that we are alone together, so I pull her closer, my eyes locking with hers.
Her breath hitches, and I wonder what she sees at this moment. What is she thinking?
She’s fucking gorgeous. Quiet and timid on the ice. It’s the first time I’ve seen her this vulnerable, and something about it is so damn endearing.
The need to protect is so strong, and I can’t understand it.
I let her go for a second, reaching my hand out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from her face. Beneath my other hand, I feel her shiver, but I know it’s not from the cold.
I move closer, tempting fate.
She’s close enough now that our faces are almost touching.
“Hellfire, what are you doing to me?”
“I don't know,” she whispers, her cold breath caressing my lips.
Just as we are about to kiss, a loud sound thunders through the space.
Probably a blessing. I skate us back to the edge of the ice, dropping her waist and helping her out.
“Oh, good, I was looking for you.” Laurie stands just off the ice, looking right at me, not seeming to be fazed by the current situation.