Page 68 of Twisted Collide

I cross my arms in front of my chest and smile back. “Yep. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.”

That wipes the smirk right off his face.

Point to me.

George walks over to the rack and hands him the first shirt.

I’ve been trying not to look at his body, but my curiosity about which shirt is in his hands has me pulling my gaze down.


I shouldn’t have done that.

His arms flex as he stretches it out to grab the material, and when he pulls back, his whole chest is on display to me.

When we spent the night together, it was way too dark to see anything, but now that I have a clear view, I wish I didn’t look.

I knew in my heart he’d be perfection, but perfection has nothing on this man.

His body is just . . . wow.

That’s it. No other word comes to mind. Wow.

With perfectly cut muscles, he’s tall and lean and just—did I say wow?

I need to pull my gaze away because if I don’t, he’ll catch me, but I can’t.

This man has a gravitational pull, and I’m stuck in it.

My eyes continue to travel south, trailing down his torso until I’m met with the most phenomenal V I’ve ever seen.

Stop looking, Josie.


Is it hot in here? I swear the heat has turned on, but I know it’s not the case since we’re in an office outside a hockey rink.

It’s freezing in here; I’m just burning up because of the way he looks at me. His stare sets an inferno in my belly. It lights me up.

What I’d do to have one more night. One when I can experience this man in all his glory, not just a quick little romp on the grass.

To take my time with him.

Kiss down his chest.

I’d lick the dip in his V—


That has me snapping my head up, and I meet the smoldering blue eyes that haunt my dreams. The way he looks at me makes my knees feel weak.

“You okay over there? You look a little flushed.” Then he gives me a knowing smirk.

Like a bottle of cold water poured over a candle, the fire is snuffed, all trace of the flame gone.
