Page 56 of Twisted Collide

His brow furrows. “For what?”

I roll my eyes. Shouldn’t he already know this? “Time for your interview.”

“What interview?”

“The one Molly had scheduled, but the assistant before medropped the ball on. Or maybe you fired her. I can’t remember all your assistant drama.”

“Fired her.”

“Got it. Yep, I’ve rescheduled it, which reminds me, why did you fire her? She didn’t seem to be too bad. I mean, she wasn’t even the one who scheduled the interview in the first place. It’s not her fault you fired her before she could tell you that Molly had set it up, thus making you miss it.” I lift a brow, and he covers his face with his hands.

A few seconds go by before he drops his hands, and then he leans his head back.

“Oh, just spit it out. It couldn’t have been that bad.”

“It was.”

I laser him with a look that should scream bullshit. “A fireable offense?”

“Obviously, or I wouldn’t have fired her.”

I move closer, which is probably a bad idea because of how good he looks right now, but still, I’m like a damn moth to a flame. I can’t help myself. “Now I need the tea.”

“What do you think this is?” He sounds annoyed.

I smile broadly. “Teatime?”

“We aren’t friends, Hellfire.”

I puff out my lower lip. “You arenofun.” Rolling my eyes, I continue to press. “Just tell me.”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Of course I do. I work for you now. What would get me fired . . . ?” Because I’d do it just to piss him off, knowing it would take a lot more for my father to allow him to fire me.

“Tell me, tell me,” I chant.

Mr. Grumpy lets out a sigh, obviously annoyed at my persistence, but hey, maybe I’ll get what I want.

“She hit on me.”

His words wipe the smile right off my face, but not for the reason you’d think.

Hitting on him would be easy. I’d happily do it, and not even to get fired, but that’s not what pisses me off. It’s the fact that she did it.

Now the questions start to swim in my brain . . . and I can’t shut them up.

Did they sleep together?

Are they an item?

Does he like her?

Wait, he fired her, so that means he didn’t do any of the above, right?

“Interesting. Is this your thing?”

His brow rises. “Thing?”