Page 173 of Twisted Collide

“You don’t hate me?”

She frowns. “How could I? In your position, I’d have done the same. And your uncle?”

Removing my hands from my pocket, I run a hand through my disheveled hair. “He disappeared for a while until—”

“Until what?” she asks.

My jaw grows tight. “Until I received a letter. It was the night in New York when I canceled on you. That’s why I did it. Why I ended things with you. I didn’t want to, Hellfire, but I just thought I had no choice. I wanted to protect you. Then—he came to the game. You saw him. He claims to know what I did.”

She squeezes her lids shut for a minute before reopening them. “Do you think he does?”

I nod. “Yes.” There is no question from the smug look he gave me today that he does. The question is whether he can prove it, but from the desperate sound in his voice, I don’t think he can. Of course, I’m not sure that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

“Do you think he has proof?”

“No,” I answer honestly. “Not that it matters. The scandal alone could ruin my career.”

“It’s your word against his. You’re not alone, Dane.” Josephine moves to stand. “We will come up with a plan.” She takes my hands in hers. “Does Molly know?”

“Hell no,” I answer fast. I never wanted my sister anywhere near that man.

She places a gentle kiss on my knuckle. “It’s time you tell her. She’s no longer a kid who needs protecting.”



My hands tap nervouslyon my thighs as I wait for Dane to return. He went to call Molly. He needs to tell her.

I will never take the trust he gave to me today for granted. No matter how this all plays out, I will stand by his side.

Hopefully, it doesn’t get to that, though.

Something tells me this man has zero proof and won’t be taken seriously. However, I understand that it will be hard on everyone if it’s brought to light, even if there’s no evidence to corroborate it.

This will look bad for not only Dane but also the team and Molly.

There is no doubt in my mind that everyone who matters will take Dane’s side. At the time, he had no choice. He needed to protect his sister, and he did what he had to do.

A minute later, Dane strolls back into the room. His head is tilted down, and his fingers twist together.

This man doesn’t look like the man I know.

He looks weigheddown by guilt.

I stand immediately and cross the space, throwing my arms around his body and pulling him into a tight embrace. We stand there for a long time, just holding each other. Then Dane leads me to the couch, and I lean my head to rest on his shoulder. The steady rise and fall of his breath calms me as he scrolls through his phone.

Time seems to pass slowly, my brain moving in a million directions, and I soon grow restless. My head tips up, and I see Dane frowning at his phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Just looking to see how long ago I called her.” He’s worried. I can understand. It can’t be easy to tell her all these years later what he did.

I lift my hand and touch his jaw, slowly caressing his skin. “Everything is going to be okay.”

“I hope so.” He gives me a weak smile. He doesn’t believe me.

I drop my hand from his face, and instead move to kneel in front of him. “Molly will understand.”