Page 165 of Twisted Collide

“What? You’re adorable.”

“Will you help me? I kind of have a game to be at,” I deadpan.

“What would you do without me?”

“Stop surviving.”

“You’re being too hard on yourself. I’m sure you could function for half a second, and if you convince Josie to forgive your sorry ass, she can handle you.”

“Are you quitting on me, Molly?”

“Never. You’ll have to fire me,” she teases.

“That will never happen.”

“Okay, so now that we have that settled, why don’t I get to work? I don’t have all day, after all. I’m supposed to go to this hockey game.”

“Thanks, Molly,” I say.

“My pleasure. And for what it’s worth, I like her for you.”

“I like her for me too.”

I hang up the phone, smiling to myself. Making Hellfire happy makes me happy. I can’t wait till she gets her package.

Hours later,and still sweaty, I meet Molly in the parking lot of the arena.

“You got the goods?”

She looks at me with slightly narrowed eyes. “Does this look like amateur hour?”

I raise my hands in the air. “Sorry, just had to ask.”

Her mouth twists. “No. You didn’t,” she chides as she extends her arm and hands me the box. I’ve decided that rather then have these delivered before the game, I’d deliver them myself after it.

I want to see Hellfire’s face.

“Thanks, Mol.”

“You’re welcome, Dane.”

Now, with the box in hand, I head to my car, and then get in and drive away.

My palms feel slick against the steering wheel from not showering after the game, but it’s getting late, and I didn’t want to miss Hellfire.

Traffic is practically nonexistent at this time of night, so I get to her house in record time, which is a good thing since every minute it takes means she could be sleeping.

The house is dark, and only a few small spotlights illuminate the way.

I park the car and step out, then head to the door. Once there, I hesitate. Coach might be home. How will I explain this? Fuck it.

I don’t even care if he knows.

Hellfire will.

Good thing I think on my feet. I’ll figure out something to say that will make sense.

My knuckles rap on the wood, and the door flies open a few seconds later.