“You know what? Fuck you, Dane. This time, itisgoodbye. Don’tfollowme next time you want to get your dick wet.”
That motherfucker.
You’re not worth the fight.
His words ping-pong between my ears, back and forth, over and over again until I crank up the car radio to full volume.
I should have known. I should have left first.
He didn’t pick me.
He picked my father.
I can’t help but laugh at how cruel life is, giving me love only to take it away. My father, Mom, Dane. No one ever fights for me. I laugh and laugh and laugh until suddenly, I’m crying.
Fat tears race down my cheeks. It’s ugly and wet, and anyone can see me losing my shit through the car window. I can’t bring myself to care.
How the hell will I work with him? How can I see him and not feel the loss of us?
Myheart is hollow.
This is what happens when you fall in love with someone who’s off-limits.
Fall in love?
Did I fall in love with him?
I did.
My fingers white-knuckle the steering wheel as I remember the moment it happened. That morning, I finally opened up to him and told him about my parents. He held me in his arms, and like an idiot, I fell.
Oh, who am I kidding? It happened the first time I saw him smile. The very first laugh.
I’ve always been Dane Sinclair’s, yet he’s never been mine.
My cries turn violent. All the emotions inside me pour out.
Tears rush past my lips, and my teeth rattle against each other as I shake.
It’s like a dam has burst, and every single emotion I’ve pushed back is pouring out of me.
My sobs are the only sound in the car.
I reach my hand up and swipe the tears across my face. The moisture collects on my fingertips like blood pouring from a wound.
The drive to my father’s house feels long and torturous. It’s only about a fifteen-minute drive, but with hazy vision from swollen lids, it takes much longer, or at least it feels that way.
Finally, I pull up to his house and drive around back to my spot outside the garage.
I get out of the car and slowly walk toward the backyard. The night sky blankets me from above, and the only light comes from the stars that sparkle.
Reaching into my pocket, I’m about to pull out my phone when the side lights of the house come on.