Page 118 of Twisted Collide

I look over at where Molly practically bounces in her seat.

My brow furrows. “What?”

“The weather is still nice in Arizona, duh. I hate it when it gets cold in Ohio; all the pools close.”

“Oh.” Yep, that’s all I got. I’m still thinking about her damn brother and what his behavior, aka the snub, means.

“There’s a pool on the roof of the hotel.”

“Ugh, I would kill for a skinny margarita on a rooftop pool.”

“You should join me.” The offer seems genuine, and a part of me wants to, but I’m also not sure what Dane has planned.

The past few weeks of the season, I’ve been sneaking out and meeting him when we’re out of town, but who the heck knows. Once we take off, I’ll find a way to talk to him and feel him out.

“Ugh, I want to. I’m slammed with that new Redville TikTok that’s taking off, but let me see if I could escape for a bit,” I answer as I recline back into the buttery leather seats.

Twenty minutes later, I find my opportunity. The plane has leveled out, and when I turn around, I see Dane standing by the bathroom, waiting to use it. If I pretend I’m also waiting, I can probably talk to him real fast.

Standing from my seat, I stroll casually toward where Dane is, trying not to make it obvious that I’m there to talk to him.

When he doesn’t turn around to look at me, I lift my hand and move to touch his arm. His head turns, and our eyes meet.

They look glacial blue right now.

A chill runs down my spine, but it isn’t the way he stares at me that has my stomach bottoming out. It’s the fact that he just stepped away from my touch.

My arm falls to my side when there’s nothing to grab on to.

My mouth opens and shuts. Did he really just evade me touching him?


“Whoa, there, buddy. Personal space much?” He tries to chuckle, but I can sense there’s more to unpack here. He doesn’t want me here. “How can I help you?”

What’s with the cold front?

Once again, I open my mouth to say more, but just as I find the words, the bathroom door opens. My father walks out, and Dane walks in.

I head back to my chair. No point in pretending anymore. I press the call button on my seat.

It’s time for a drink.



The doorto the main elevator is about to close when a hand peeks through the small space. It instantly reopens, and when it does, my little hellfire stands at the opening.

Normally, I’d take the private elevator that only stops at the penthouse and pool deck, but for some reason, the damn thing wasn’t working. Which I’m now happy about because I want to speak to her about what happened on the plane.

“Going up?” The side of her lips tips up into a smirk.

“I am.”

Josephine stumbles forward as she enters the elevator. Great, my little hellfire is drunk. I step aside, allowing her to enter while holding out my arm to brace her so she doesn’t fall. She has a tendency to fall even when she’s sober. And knowing her, anything is possible.

“Oh, look, you’re touching me in public.” She scoffs.