Page 113 of Twisted Collide

“Oh, Dane, aren’t you forgetting something?” I lift a brow at her question. “I need help.” She winks, wobbling, because if this were her actual chosen career, she would be fired right away.

She’s awful at it.

I swoop in, bracketing my arms around her as she falls into me.

Now in my arms where she belongs, I carry her into the living room, depositing her on the large couch and moving in the opposite direction.

She huffs. “Where are you going?”

“To get popcorn.”

“Um, okay, but why?”

“Because we’re going to watch a movie.”

“Are we now?”

“Yep.” I head into the kitchen, grab a container of popcorn, and place it in the microwave. It’s nothing fancy, but I don’t want fancy right now. I just want to spend time with her. As I wait for it to pop, I grab a bowl and fill it once it’s ready.

Would this be what it would be like if we could openly be together? Simple, easy, just two people lying on a couch, eating popcorn, and watching a movie. I head back in and find her sprawled out with her legs kicked up on the ottoman. She’s grabbed a throw blanket and has it draped over her lap. The TV is already on, and it looks like she picked a movie.

“What did you pick?” I ask as I take the spot next to her, depositing the bowl on her lap.

“Something we’ll both like.”

Vague much? The sound of the TV has me looking up. Creditsrolling, it doesn’t take me long to realize she picked the saddest movie on this godforsaken planet.

“Interesting choice.”

“Who doesn’t loveTitanic?”

“I don’t know, maybe Jack.” As if my hands are possessed, I lift her legs off the ottoman and start messaging them. “Think if we watch it enough, Rose will share her door with him?”

“There wasn’t any room.”

“Note to self: never go on a boat with you.”

She crinkles her nose. “Not on this salary, seeing as I’m an unpaid intern.” She releases a yawn.

I pull her close, her head resting on my shoulder as the film begins. There’s no way I’ll be able to finish this movie.

Hellfire relaxes me.

With her in my arms, I fall asleep.



With today being an off day,I show up at the practice arena to get some work done. The guys are practicing, and I’m supposed to take some videos of them. Nothing crazy, just hockey players training before a game to rev up the crowd. When I started working, despite Laurie’s and my father’s doubts, I started a TikTok page, and it has since gone viral. Fun fact: viral videos equal more sales.

Today, I’ll be taking fun shots of the guys getting ready for the game against the Bulldogs. Apparently, they played them last year during the playoffs. I figure I can do some fun training montages and set them to music like they did in the Rocky movies.

As I approach the ice, I lift my phone and start to film them. A few videos of the team running drills should do. Nothing too crazy, but if I can get the right angle, it will work.

Hudson, of course, isshowboating.

Currently, he’s flexing his muscles in front of me while the rest of the guys are stretching.