Page 64 of Twisted Collide


The only thingI want to do today is go home.

Coach pushed us hard. It’s not that he doesn’t normally push us hard, but this is harder than normal.

Not one of my teammates would understand. Hell, I barely understand, but winning the Cup has been bittersweet.

It shouldn’t be. I do love playing hockey. I’m smart enough to admit my emotions are misplaced, but it feels like a win for him, and even years later, he doesn’t deserve it. But what makes it even harder is I know what I did to get here.

Don’t go there.That road of thought is a dark road, and if I cross into that territory, I might not come back.

I head out of the locker at a slower-than-normal pace.

There is no question that Josephine will be waiting for me the moment I close the door.

“Where are you off to, man?” Hudson says.

“Not home, that’s for sure.”

“I can’t believe Molly loaded your schedule like this and didn’t have the decency to stay in town to help you through it.”

“It’s not her fault I surprised her with a trip.”

He bobs his head. “That’s true. And she probably did you a favor. I’d love to be waited on hand and foot by Coach’s daughter. Fuck, she’s hot.”

I stop dead in my tracks and pivot my body to look at him. Smug little shit.

Despite the two years of friendship, I’m finding it hard to remember why I even like him right now.Fine, I liked him much better before Hellfire showed up.

Currently, the only guy on the team I like is Aiden.He’s the only one not making a pass at Josephine.

There’s also the fact that he’s the most like me out of all the guys. He has ghosts.

Secrets he doesn’t share.

Yeah, now I know a few of them, but because of the way he was raised, he knows not to ask me questions about mine.

I move closer, staring Hudson dead in the eye. “Stay the fuck away from her.”

He lifts his hands. “Jeez, man, I was just kidding. What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

“What’s got my panties in a bunch? Are you fucking kidding? That’s Coach’s daughter, and she’s off-limits. How many times do I have to remind you of that?”

He narrows his eyes. “It’s more than that, though.” Then, as if he’s had an epiphany, his eyes widen, and a Joker-like grin spreads across his face. “Ah shit, you do like her?”

“What? No.” That didn’t even sound convincing to me.

“That protest sounded weak even for your grumpy ass,” he says.

“Fuck off, Wilde.”

I turn away from him and storm out of the locker room, barreling right into the one person I don’t want to.

My body collides into hers, and I reach my arms out on instinct to steady her.

“Watch—” Her words dry up, and I’m not sure why, but then I realize I have her wrapped protectively in my arms. Our chests touch, and my hands are on her back.

We are so close. I bet she can feel the way my heart beats against hers.