Page 46 of Twisted Collide

He sits on the smaller couch across from where I’m sitting. “Hey, man. Happy you came.”

“Honestly, thanks for inviting me.” I recline back, making myself more comfortable.

Aiden shakes his head at me. “You know you don’t need an invitation, right?”

“Yeah, you’ve said that, but who knows what you guys are up to.”

A laugh sounds from the entrance of the room, and I peer up to see Cassidy making her way with my drink in her hand.

When she reaches where I am, she hands me the glass, and I take a swig.

“Okay, spill. What was up with you today?” Aiden asks right before Cassidy leans down and places a kiss on his lips before walking off to the kitchen.

“My head isn’t in it.”

“Is something going on? You know you can—”

“I know, man. And I appreciate it, but there’s nothing wrong.” Except for the fact that I had sex with Coach’s daughter, will most likely get fired for it, and the only person I would normally talk about this with is . . . Coach or someone on his team, which I obviously can’t do.

His eyes narrow, and I know I need to throw him a bone. That’s why I’m here, for them to try to help me, so if I don’t tell him something now, I run the risk that Cassidy will start in on me too. The problem is she’s damn good at seeing the big picture, and I can’t risk it, so I give him the only thing I can.

I sigh loudly. “Molly.”

“Got it. You miss her, and rightfully so.”

“Is this the first time you’ve been away from her for this long?” Cassidy asks as she reenters the room. “Dinner’s ready, by the way. No rush, just figured I’d mention it.”

I start to stand, ready to eat. “It is.”

“That’s rough. Well, if you need a stand-in sister, I’m your girl.” A soft smile curls her lips. It’s warm and caring, like her, and it does what it’s meant to do . . .

It makes me smile too.



The early morningsun gleams across the sky, and I take a moment to appreciate the scenery.

Normally, I don't come to work this early, but I have to help with a social media campaign today. All I have to do is take pictures of the guys during practice. Action shots are one thing I can do.

Easy enough, I think, as I grab my phone from my bag and head in the direction where I might find the team.

As I step inside and head toward the rink, skates slicing through the ice and pucks clinking against sticks echo around the arena.

They’re already practicing, which is a relief. The last thing I need is Dane’s attitude when I’m just trying to do my job.

I nod to Hudson, who skates by me, and then I take pictures rapidly. Hudson does exactly what I hoped he would—putting on a show for the camera. The man is nothing if not a showboat.He spins around, looking more like a figure skater than a hockey player, and I snort.


Although I’ve never taken pictures of the guys before, they don’t seem bothered by me. They are used to me doing weird tasks. Although most odd tasks are for the guys, Laurie sometimes asks for my help doing grunt work. Luckily, those times are few and far between because I don’t love moving equipment or collecting towels. Social media marketing is more my speed.

The last task was to essentially interview the guys, asking questions about how the Red Tails posted on their Instagram an old game where the guys wereoff, and wondered if the guys could pull off another championship this season. Needless to say, the answers were colorful.

Laurie then had me get inside information about each player to post to our socials. Dumb questions like their favorite food and the greatest movie of all time.

Dane’s answers were clipped and not genuine. I don’t know how I know this, but I just do. Hudson, on the other hand, kept to his typical flirtatious answers. Favorite food? Exotic fish, followed by a wink.