Page 43 of Twisted Collide


As if this night couldn’t get any worse, Josephine strides over toward where we are standing.

She smiles broadly as she approaches, but her steps falter just a bit when her eyes land on mine.

“What’s she doing here?” I lift my brow at Hudson.

“I invited her.” He shrugs.

“And that’s a good idea, why? You heard Coach.”

“’Cause she’s hot,” Wolfe says, and I turn on him.

“You know damn well she’s off-limits.” My teeth are bared to him like a wild animal’s. He furrows his brow at me.

“And what Coach doesn’t know won’t hurt him . . . or me.” He smirks.

I open my mouth to respond but quickly think better of it. I want to fucking kill him for even implying that he would touch her. I want to remind him again about Coach, but I know damn well he doesn’t give a shit about her father. He doesn’t hold the same respect for Coach that I do.

The closer she gets, the wider her smile becomes. Great. Just fucking great.

As usual, she looks gorgeous. My heart rate picks up as my fists clench at my sides.

“What are we drinking?” Her voice sounds sexy as hell.

She needs to leave.

I look over at Hudson, who’s ogling her. The hot bartender is long since forgotten.

“Are you even legal?” I snap more harshly than I intended. She flinches slightly.

“I don’t know, am I?” She raises her brow in challenge.

I walked right into that one, and the only thing I can do is smash my teeth together.

Of course, she’s old enough since we’ve had this conversation before. I was being an asshole, and it backfired.

“Man, lay off her. There’s no need to be an ass,” Wolfe says.

I let out a groan while I rub my temples.

“The proper thing to do is apologize,” Hudson mocks, and I scowl at him.

“It’s okay,” she says, not bothering to look at me. “He doesn’t need to apologize. After the practice he had, I wouldn’t expect anything from him.”

“Oh man . . . she got you there,” Mason says, grimacing.

I’m not sure why her jab hurts as much as it does, but it hits its intended mark.

Straight into my chest, where it stings the most.

I hate when I let people down, and the way I played today let Coach down. It let my whole fucking team down.

Fucking his daughter also let Coach down, but I’m not going to go there.

Not now. Not ever.

It was a mistake, one I won’t make again.