Page 28 of Twisted Collide

Coach isn’t around when I walk in, so I look for Aiden Slate. He’s typically in the know of what’s to come. Aiden takes the sport seriously. He loves the game, and it shows.

Aiden’s standing next to Hudson and Mason. Hudson says something, and Mason slaps him in the gut, drawing a harrumph from Hudson.

I head in their direction, preparing myself for the questions. And there will be questions. Hudson can’t help but pry.

“Look who decided to finally grace us with his pres—” Hudson starts, but Aiden cuts him off.

“Oh, give the guy a break.” Aiden nods in my direction. That’s why I appreciate Aiden Slate; he knows when I need space. He can read the room, unlike the idiot Wilde.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Hudson—he’s one of my best friends—but the guy has a lot of growing to do.

“I’m not doing anything.” Hudson raises his hands. “I just wanted to see what happened last night and why he’s late today.”

“Am I late? Because from what I can see, the meeting hasn’t even started. Any idea why we’re here?” I ask, directing the question to Aiden.

“I’m actually surprised you don’t know. Coach likes you best,” Hudson chides playfully. Normally, if someone said that, I’d think they were jealous, but not Hudson. He’s just keeping it real. Coach does like me best.

Probably because he’s known me the longest out of all the guys.When I first started playing professionally for the Saints, it was the coach’s first year with the team as well.

The man is more like a father than a coach to me.

He knows about my past . . . well, most of it.

Some things I wouldn’t tell him or anyone, at that. Those secrets will go to the grave with me.

Not even Molly is privy to them.

“Guess we’ll find out now. Coach just walked in,” Mason says from beside me.

I shuffle my weight from one foot to the other and then wait. Time goes slower as the room becomes quiet. Even though we just won the Cup, this man won’t go easy on us; knowing him, he’ll actually push us harder.

His footsteps echo through the space until he stops dead center in the room and lets out a cough.

“Men, I’ll make this short and sweet. I’m sure you all have a lot to do, and by do, I mean training, right?”

A few men start laughing.

I look over at Hudson. Everyone in the room knows he plans to spend the next few weeks making his way through every bar in Redville and most likely fucking every female in the town. He’s a notorious player.

“We’ll have some staffing changes next season. I figured I'd tell you now rather than drop this on you guys on the first day back. That way, if you have any questions or concerns, we can discuss them beforehand. Not that I anticipate any issues.”

Coach speaks, but his words sound blurry in my head. A killer hangover will do that.

He’s rambling on about marketing. Some social media shit. Maybe I should have made Molly come to this meeting. This is more her speed because lord knows I’m not listening for shit.

“—meet my daughter.” I don’t catch any of his words but those, and that makes my head snap up.

What did he just say?


I didn’t know Coach had a daughter. How did I not know he had a daughter?

I take a step forward, pushing my way through the crowd so I can figure out what the hell is going on.

With all the time I’ve spent with this man, I should have known this, right? Apparently, we both have secrets.

My chest feels tight. I lift my hand to rub at the spot, but something tells me the pain isn’t from a tight muscle.