That makes me think of the stranger from last night, but I tamp that down because I do not want my mind to wander to comparisons when my mother is part of the equation.
“I need assistance in marketing for the hockey team I coach,” he says, and I can’t help but groan.
“Hockey,” I mutter. “As in sticks and black rubber.”
He perks an eyebrow. “Not a fan of hockey?”
This feels like déjà vu, and I wonder if the universe is truly out to get me. Regardless of my less-than-fond thoughts on the homicidal sport, I need this job.
“I’ll admit I don’t know much about it, but I’m a quick study and ready to learn.”
He nods his head. “Great. That’s what I like to hear. Team player.”
Something tells me he wants me to smile, but I can’t. Everything feels twisted and wrong. What have I gotten myself into? Can I do this?
I don’t have a choice. Getting work experience is what I need. Without it, I’ll never get a real job. I will make this work, and I will prove to my mother that I’m not a lost cause.
Universe, please be kind.
Hudson changedthe name of the chat to “Hockey stick up Dane’s ass.”
Mason:Not cool, Wilde.
Dane left the chat.
Mason changed the name of the chat to Redville Sinners.
Mason added Dane to the chat.
Hudson:Aww, he’s back.
Mason:Stop acting like a douche.
Hudson:Just keeping it real.
Hudson:He did in fact have a stick up his ass.
Dane:Fuck off.
An impromptu meetingwith the team and our coach wasn’t how I wanted to spend my day.
Not only am I still hung over from last night, but I’m not in the mood to be lectured that I bailed out early on the party.
And Coach will lay into me. Rightfully so, of course, but my head is killing me, and the truth is, I’d very much like to linger in the high I’m still feeling from bumping into the little hellfire in the vines.