“Yes. The whole team now knows. We have to tell him.”
My nose scrunches. “Can’t we stay in this bubble another minute?”Please say yes.What if Dad doesn’t approve? What if he feels betrayed that we both lied? My stomach bottoms out, and I feel like I’m going to be sick.
Dad wouldn’t do that, right?
“As much as I want to, the answer is no. Come on, Hellfire, I want to be able to show you off. I want to hold your hand in public. Kiss you in public, and I don’t wanna sneak around anymore. I love you, and I want everyone in the world to know.”
“Well, when you put it that way, how can I say no?”
“You can’t.”
“Fine, let’s go,” I groan.
Dane laughs, and the laugh sounds different. I never asked any questions the day he snuck out of bed. I knew he was going to see his uncle, and I knew Molly was going with him. I don’t know what happened. All I know is he came back a different man. A lighter one. The dark circles under his eyes were gone, and he just seemed happier.
If he ever wants to tell me what happened, I’ll be there to listen, but I’ll never push him. I trust him with all my heart.
Fifteen minutes later, we park the car in the front of the house, and together, we walk around back to the door I always enter from.
“Hello, anyone here?”
“In my office,” my dad calls out.
“You ready?” I whisper to Dane.
“Never been more ready for anything in my life.”
We start walking, and as we enter the room, he takes my hand.
I give him a nod, and we walk in together.
When my father looks up from his desk, he smiles at us both and then he clocks our joined hands.
He doesn’t give any thoughts or feelings away. Just stares for a minute, then he picks up the phone and dials.
“Can you come to my office?”
Who did he just call?
Is it someone from the team that he wants to come to the house?
Or . . .
Footsteps sound from behind me, and I turn over my shoulder to see Sherry moving in our direction and into the room.
She walks past us and to my father’s desk.
What is happening?
My heart feels like it’s beating way too fast to be healthy.
Then my father stands, reaches into his pocket, and hands Sherry a twenty-dollar bill.
“Nice doing business with you, Robert.”
“What is happening?” I ask.
“It seems these guys had a bet, and Sherry won,” Dane responds.