“Yes, that!” Hudson agrees.
“I’ll pass,” Aiden and I say at the same time.
“I get him, but you, you’re single. Where’s your fun?”
Lost to a hellfire.
This fucking blows.
I’m in the penalty box, waiting for my time to end. All I want to do is get up from here.
My leg bounces against the bench as I watch the assholes from the other team get away with shit we’re being called on for.
The longer I watch, the more pissed I become.
It’s horseshit. That dick should have gotten a penalty for the last play, but no . . .
I pull my gaze away from the game. Needing to calm myself, I do the only thing I can. I search for her in the stands.
Stupid, yes, but it’s the only thing that ever seems to work.
She’s the only thing that makes me happy.
Not being with her is killing me.
I need to stay strong though.
The letter is a threat. I know it is. And until I know exactly who it’s from and what their intentions are, I need to protect her.
She’s not in her normal spot, which doesn’t mean she’s not here.She could have gotten up for a second, but as I scan the crowd, I spot someone I haven’t seen in years.
There, in the stands, in clear view as if it were planned, is my uncle.
The bastard I’ve been avoiding since I was eighteen. Even from here, I can see he’s still a bastard.
My hands clench in my gloves. What is this asshole doing here? No fucking way is this a coincidence. He’s here for me. But why?
The last time I saw him, we sat on opposite sides of the courtroom. After the judge awarded me custody of Molly, the dickhead scurried off like the weasel he is.
Finally, my time in the box is over. I shoot out, tearing across the ice, and drive my shoulder into the other team’s defenseman with a sickening force. When he drops his stick and takes a swing, I toss mine, taking out all my frustration on this asshole. The crowd roars as we go head-to-head, punches thrown.
The refs, of course, are quick to break us apart, hauling me off him and sending me right back to the penalty box.
As soon as my ass hits the steel bench, I search for my uncle, but he’s not there.
Did I imagine him?
I close my eyes, willing the game to end.
Behind my lids, I see his mocking face.
The way he went after Molly.