Page 106 of Twisted Collide

“Careful.” He pulls away, acting like he’s not the instigator today. Jerk. A damn sexy hot jerk, but still a jerk.

Dane starts to open the door, and my brain catches up with what’s happening. “Wait, you’re going now?”

He turns and peers over his shoulder. “Yeah, why?”

“Is it sketch if I come with you?”

He pauses, then a slow smile rises up his cheeks. “For marketing purposes.”

“Of course. Haven’t you heard? I’m the next Nick Naylor.”

“Nick Naylor sold cigarettes to kids.”

“How convenient. There will be plenty of kids at the youth league.”

“Why not cigars? The ROI is higher.”

“Have you seen the returns on e-cigs?”

He tosses his head back, roaring out a laugh before he sobers. “Seriously, though, make a show of taking pictures when you come. And not just of my ass.”


“I know you look when I turn around.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“Because we work at an ice rink. Reflective surfaces are everywhere.”

“It’ll be hard not to take a picture of your ass, considering there’s about six foot two inches and two hundred pounds of ass in front of me.”

He frowns. “You think I’m only six two?”

Twenty minutes later, I’m stepping into the rink where the youth teams play. The cold air hits my face the closer I get to the ice.

Laughter and shouts echo around the children already on the ice, wobbling in their skates, hockey sticks in their hands.

Aiden must see me because he waves from across the rink. Dane, however, is already in full coach mode.

I wave back before approaching and pull out my phone to take candid pictures and videos.

Dane looks like a natural with the kids. Both boys and girls and their ages seem to be in a range. The one thing they all have in common is that their excitement is palpable.

They all laugh and giggle, and something infectious about it has me grinning as well.

I watch with heart-shaped eyes as he shows the kids how to skate, and the kids copy him.

He skates beside them, guiding them, and as the practice goes on, Dane teaches them how to handle their sticks. He then shows them different techniques and the best ways to control the puck.

He’s phenomenal.

I can’t get over it.

Needing a minute to rein my emotions in, I look down on my phone, but then the boisterous sounds of screams and giggles have me glancing back up.

Now he’s letting them try to score on him.

It’s adorable.