Page 47 of Wild Love

Scarlett's expression was uncertain.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her, my hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

Her gaze flitted to mine. "Yes."

"Then you'll be fine. I'll talk you through each step, and I'll be next to you the entire time."

"What is the point of climbing a rock again?"

"The view at the top is nice, and I packed a picnic lunch. This is a tamer climb, but the view is still worth it." She'd get the adrenaline rush from the climb and become addicted to the sport. I was positive of that.

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, okay. Let's do this."

"Did you talk to Chance about coming out with me?" I hadn't told her not to, but I had a feeling he wouldn't like it.

Scarlett frowned. "He'd worry it was dangerous."

"Even though he does the same activities?"

"He only worries about me, not himself."

"That's interesting."

"I think the word you're looking for is hypocritical." There was a bite to her words.

I chuckled. "I don't have a big brother that worries about me."

"You are the big brother who looks out for everyone else."

"I suppose I am." At some point, that had become my role. Dad could only keep track of so many kids while he was working. And I was tasked with keeping an eye on everyone. If they got hurt, I was the one who got in trouble. I was the responsible one, the one everyone could turn to for advice.

"Ready to conquer the wall?"

"Uh-huh," Scarlett said, her voice uncertain.

I didn't mention her obvious fear. I wanted her to feel empowered, not discouraged.

"You want to look for a good place to grip. I'd place your right hand here. Then left hand here." I reached over her to show her the indentations in the cliff.

She put her hand in the cleft. Then I showed her where she could put her feet. When she was on the wall, she looked at me. "Now what?"

My chest brushed against her back, and her hair tickled mychin. I breathed in her scent. "You look for your next move. See the indent to your right?"

She nodded.

"See if you can reach it."

I stood at her back to make her feel secure. I could grab her if she panicked.

She gripped the next ledge and heaved herself higher.

"Good." I secured anchors, keeping pace and throwing out suggestions when she was stuck, and encouragement when she was successful.

It was the best morning I'd had in I didn't know how long. I’d never brought a woman climbing before. No one I'd ever dated was interested in spending time outdoors. Even luxury cabins were too rustic for them.

Our dates consisted of charity or gala dinners, maybe a night at the club or bar. But with Scarlett, I had a feeling she'd love a good burger. This was a woman I could come home to at the end of the night and be myself with.

We continued climbing until we got to the top.