Why couldn't she be mine? Why was she off-limits? My muddled brain couldn't think beyond the press of her body against mine. My dick was already hard, and there was no way she couldn't feel it nestled against her pussy.
What was her end game? It had to be to drive me crazy.
Then she let go and swam over to the edge. "Want to race?"
I was always up for a little competition. I sliced through the water until I stood next to her. "What's the distance?"
"One lap."
"That's too easy."
"Well, I do not usually own a swimming pool. I'm sure your endurance is better. The question is are you faster?"
"Obviously, I am."
She cocked a brow. "Why do you assume that?"
"I'm taller than you, so I can reach the edge faster." There was no question in my mind that I'd easily win any race. I swam laps in this pool most mornings before lifting weights in the gym. I only varied my routine when I wanted to run on the treadmill or on a trail.
"Let's see," was the only warning I got before she pushed off the wall, her arms easily gliding through the water as she traversed the pool.
With a sigh of frustration for being outsmarted, I hurried to catch up. I kept pace with her until we were three-fourths of the way across. Then I kicked it up a notch, easily touching the side of the pool before her.
I brushed the water out of my eyes. "I told you I'd win."
She glared at me, her eyelashes thick with water.
She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. That tan skin, the globes of her breast, and the heaving of her chest. I wished she were mine to kiss.
"Let's go again," she challenged, and I grinned.
I loved a race, especially with a beautiful woman. When we were together, it was hard to remember why she was off-limits. She was too enticing to resist.
Iwas so nervous about the theater class I had to teach at the library that I could barely sleep. I woke up feeling groggy. I showered but didn't feel like eating.
At seven a.m., there was a knock on my door.
I opened it, expecting it to be Eli since he was the only one on this floor.
It was a hotel worker with a cart. "Good morning, Ms. St. Claire."
"Oh, I didn't order anything," I said as I let him in.
"Mr. Wilde requested breakfast for you," he said as he wheeled the cart inside my room. His name tag read Carl.
"And flowers?"
Carl moved the vase of flowers, then the tray of food onto the table in front of the window. "He said you had a big day today, and we should prepare a little of everything for you. There's a note from him on the flowers." He backed away, taking the cart to leave. "Have a great day."
"Oh, I need to grab a tip for you." I moved toward my purse.
"It's taken care of." Carl ducked out, and I stood there a little surprised by the entire interaction. I opened the lid on some ofthe items he'd placed on the table. There were waffles, eggs, fruit, and toast.
I sat in front of the spread, feeling overwhelmed but grateful for Eli's thoughtfulness. I snapped a picture with a caption thanking him. His response was immediate.