It was a sick way of getting closer to her when I should be staying away. I was hyperaware that Marigold had left, and Scarlett sat at the bar alone. She was a siren for single men.
One by one, my brothers drifted away, probably to their homes. I lived in a penthouse suite on the top floor of the lodge. I liked to be nearby in case anyone needed me. It was far enough away from the hub that I could take a break.
When Chance approached Scarlett and she shook her head, he stopped in front of me. "Keep an eye on her."
"Of course."
Chance touched my shoulder and said, "You're a good friend."
I shrugged because I wasn't. I was having dirty thoughts about his sister. That didn't sit right with me.
I'd keep an eye on her but wouldn't think about how sexy and confident she looked sitting alone at my bar, swirling the tiny straw in her drink. . I had a feeling she'd be that confident in bed; she'd tell me exactly what she wanted.
"Text me when she heads home," Chance added.
"Didn't we just talk about giving her space? I don't mind keeping her safe at my bar, but I'm not going to track her for you."
Chance shook his head. "You're right. I'm an idiot."
I touched his shoulder. "You're a good brother."
Chance nodded. "Thanks for putting up with me."
"Have a good night." I watched Chance walk out.
The bar was already clearing out for the night. When I was certain Chance was gone, I headed over to Scarlett, who hadn't moved. I braced a hand on the counter next to her, brushing my chest against her shoulder.
Scarlett turned to face me, a smile playing on her lips. "Can I help you?"
Her lips were red, and her long eyelashes batted up at me. If she were a stranger, I'd want to take her to my room. But I couldn't use any of my lines on her. She was my friend's sister. I needed to ensure she was safe, and all I could think about was hitting on her. I was the worst kind of friend.
"I wanted to make sure you're okay. I promised Chance."
Scarlett rolled her eyes and shifted her body toward the bar.
I leaned my elbow on the countertop so I could see her face. "He worries about you. But I told him to give you space."
Her eyes widened. "You did?"
"I told him how Kylie moved to Paris because we didn't offer her a place here. We pushed her away.”
Scarlett wrapped her lips around the straw and sucked, and all I could think about was those red lips stretched around my dick.
"Don't give him hope. I'm not a hometown girl. I'll be getting the itch to leave any day now."
I ignored the twinge of pain that caused me. I shouldn't care what her plans were unless it hurt Chance. "I told him to give you space and respect your decisions. You're your own person."
"Why are you getting involved?"
"Chance is my friend. I worry about him." And he in turn worries about his sister. I didn't want to see him hurt.
"You want a fresh drink?" I asked, wanting to draw this out.
She stood, bringing her body close to mine. "I'm good for the night."
Reluctantly, I stepped back. "Did you drive? I'll walk you out."
She dangled the chain strap of her purse over her shoulder. "I used a service."