Page 9 of Wild Love

They got together frequently to go mountain biking, rock climbing, fly fishing, and skiing. Chance was always talking about the next adventure or thing they had to try. Eli had been wanting to travel and do crazier things, but Chance was more cautious.

My brother was a good guy. He followed the rules. He did what was expected. I couldn't help that I was the opposite. I'd never fit in here. No matter how nice it was to think about reconnecting with old friends and maybe even making new ones, this wasn't my home. It hadn't been for a long time.



Igripped the handlebars tightly as I maneuvered down the steep terrain, avoiding tree roots and rocks. The ride was rough, requiring my full concentration. I couldn't think about Scarlett and what she was doing in town or how long she'd be here.

I'd been meeting up with my brothers and Chance for years on this kind of outing, but I'd been wanting to try something more adventurous for a while now.

By the time we reached the base of the mountain, sweat was pouring down my back. I drank heavily from my water bottle while I admired the view of the lake at the bottom. Then I pulled out a granola bar. It wasn't enough to satisfy me, but it would carry me over until dinner.

This was our longstanding tradition: an adventurous outing and steak dinners. We never deviated, but I'd been itching to do something different.

Xander pulled off his helmet and ran a hand through his hair. "We heading back to the lodge? I'm starving."

"You can't handle it? Getting too old," I teased him.

He wobbled on his bike so he could lean over and smack me. "You're older than I am."

"Whoever's last gets dinner," Oliver called out, always willing to bet that someone else paid for meals and drinks.

"You're on." I threw my trash into my bag and took off for the lodge. This part of the trail was flat, and I allowed my mind to wander. The surprise at seeing Scarlet in the dark, how gorgeous she was in the moonlight with her eyes flashing with irritation. The sweet hitch of her breath when I touched her.

Xander beat me, but I wasn't focused on winning.

"You cut me off," I complained to Xander as I ripped off my helmet and wiped the sweat with my sleeve.

"Stop whining," Xander said. "We should all know by now that I'm the fastest.

"We actually don't know that," Oliver said, happy to go through the statistics on how often we each won.

"Only a nerd would actually keep a spreadsheet of your brothers' wins." But that was the only way Oliver won arguments growing up. He sounded smarter than the rest of us and was willing to back it up with stats.

Inside, we took showers in the locker room. Then we headed to the nicest restaurant on the grounds. We were seated at the table I always used when my brothers ate dinner with me.

After we ordered our steaks, Xander asked Chance, "How long will Scarlett be sticking around this time?"

I leaned forward, not quite understanding the agitation that bubbled up whenever Xander expressed interest in her. "What's it to you?"

Xander huffed out a laugh. "We had a good time the other night."

"You hadn't even wanted to come to the gala," I shot back.

Xander's forehead wrinkled. "Why do you have a bug up your ass about Chance's sister?"

"Just looking out for a friend." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, hoping no one else read too deeply into my reaction. Yes, I was attracted to her, but I shouldn't care if my brother wanted her. It wasn't like I could ever make a move on my best friend's sister.

"Xan, stay away from my sister. She's off-limits." Chance looked from me to Xander. "In case it wasn't clear, she's off-limits to all of you."

"Shouldn't she make up her own mind? I get the impression she'd be pissed that you're interfering," Xander pointed out.

Chance sighed, his expression defeated. "I'm asking you as my friend to stay away from my sister. She doesn't make the best decisions."

It was starting to irritate me that Chance said that so often about her. I just remembered how Kylie was upset about how we treated her over the years. We hadn't made her feel welcome, and in the end, it pushed her away. "You should stop saying shit like that."

Chance's gaze swung to me. "What are you talking about?"