I needed some space to think about things. I was risking my friendship with Chance for something that didn't have a future. Suddenly, things didn't seem so black-and-white anymore. Mac had put the idea of a house and a family into my head, and I couldn't shake the idea. I liked it too much. The problem was that whenever I tried to envision myself living there, Scarlett was in my head.
Mac had sent over several design options. Each blueprint came with four or five bedrooms, a huge family room, and a game room in the basement. It was perfect for a family. One I didn't have.
It figured that when I was finally ready to settle down, the woman I chose didn't want me.
"I didn't realize you wanted more," Scarlett finally said.
"Don't worry about it. It's fine."
Mac, Tyler, and Sam filtered in, cleaning up the tools on the floor and setting the partial trees against the wall.
Mac shot me a look as if he knew what we were talking about. I couldn't take any more of their pitying looks, so I walked onto the stage and hopped off the edge. I didn't stop moving until I was outside on the sidewalk. But I'd forgotten my coat, and it was cold.
I stuffed my hands into my pockets, relishing the crisp air.
"Eli," Scarlett said as she rushed through the doors. She looked right, here in front of the historic theater. She was larger than life. Her cheeks red to match the cold air. "You forgot your coat."
I took the offered jacket. "Thanks."
"I'll see you later?" Scarlett asked, already poised to go back inside. She was dedicated to her job. She was capable of commitment, just not to me.
I nodded but couldn't answer her. My throat was thick. My chest tight. I walked away. When I got to the lodge, I headed to the bar.
My bartender, Will, seemingly knew not to question my appearance. I almost never sat at the bar to drink. I was usually in a manager role but not tonight. He set a beer in front of me, but I shook my head. "Something harder."
Will raised a brow. "It's like that, huh?" He poured a shot of whiskey and slid it across the bar top.
I tipped the glass back, the burning sensation exactly what I needed.
Will braced his hands on the bar. "Is it women trouble or business?"
I raised a brow. "It's none of your business."
Will just chuckled, not intimidated in the least by my tone. "Gotcha."
He moved on down the bar, helping other customers while Isat there, feeling like an ass. Why was I getting upset about something we agreed couldn't happen? I'd broken our end of the agreement. I was the one who'd messed up. Not Scarlett. She'd been clear about what she wanted. I was the one who screwed up. Who thought there was more than there was.
I limited myself to a few shots before dragging myself to bed. I should have been planning a romantic evening at my place. But I couldn't keep my eyes open.
A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Thinking it could only be Scarlett, I opened it.
She wore the same dress she had at rehearsal. "I wanted to check on you."
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside, closing the door behind her. I pushed her against the door. "I missed you."
I descended on her, needing to possess her. This was all I had, and I was going to make every second count. I wouldn't take any of it for granted or ruin it by asking for more. I knew what this was.
I braced a hand on the wall above her head, my other one gripping her hip. As much as I wanted to take her against the door, I had other plans for her tonight. Remembering her mention that she hadn't been in my place, I wanted to dissuade her of any negative conclusions she'd raised about that.
I lifted her, carrying her to my bedroom. It was masculine with all dark colors . The best feature was the magnificent view of the snowcapped mountains.
I laid her on the bed, and her head drifted to the side. "This view."
I turned her chin so that she was looking at me. "This is the only view you need."
I was intense, but I didn't hold back. She was going to see all of me. If she still didn't want more, then I wasn't going to change for her. This was me.
I kissed her then, my hands trailing over her body, and Islipped them under her skirt. She wore tights, necessary for Colorado winters, but they were impeding my progress. I ripped my lips from hers to hook my hands in the band and roll them down.