Page 93 of Fire in My Heart

Wes raised a brow. “Is that true though?”

“Well, yeah. She did an unforgivable thing.” I was getting sick of his questions and know-it-all attitude.

“I guess it’s up to you to decide if you can overlook what she did. We all make mistakes sometimes. It’s how we grow as a person afterward that matters.”

With that parting shot, Wes disappeared inside, and I pondered his words before I joined my family.

I said goodbye next, driving home. Without Charlotte, everything seemed darker and less interesting.

That never mattered before, but as I walked through my empty house, I couldn’t help but think how it would be differentif Charlotte lived here. The rooms brighter, my mood lighter, the future more exciting.

Had I screwed up?



Iwasn’t sure it was a good idea to go to the Calloways for dinner, but Daphne and Cole had encouraged me to join them.

I think they didn’t want me to be alone. And since Al had invited me too, I went even though it hurt to see Teddy.

He was as stubborn as ever, probably believing that our relationship couldn’t be salvaged.

I saw dinner as a closure of sorts. We’d have to see each other from time to time, and if I could get through tonight, then I’d be okay. I’d get over the pain eventually.

I couldn’t tolerate the idea of him moving on with another woman though.

I’d moved to Daphne and Cole’s on Christmas Eve. I enjoyed spending time with Izzy and Colson.

I went to bed before they even got home from the Calloways. The next morning, I followed the smell of breakfast to the kitchen.

“Morning,” I said as I poured coffee.

“You want to tell us what that was about last night?” Daphne asked, and I stiffened.

Izzy and Colson were in the living room, watching cartoons.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, hoping I could distract her with something else. I wasn’t ready to tell her and my brother about Teddy.

“Izzy said she saw you kissing Teddy.”

“I didn’t kiss Teddy last night.” Then my cheeks heated because I hadn’t denied kissing him at all.

Daphne huffed. “Obviously at some point you did.”

I turned to face her; my mug cradled in my hands.

Cole stood at the counter, his brow raised expectantly.

I shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “We had a thing. But it’s over now.”

Daphne placed a hand on her hip. “You had a thing with Teddy?”

“Why is that so hard to believe?” I asked.

Daphne waved a hand. “Teddy’s been fighting having you on the farm. He complained about you all the time, saying you were too happy or something ridiculous.”

I raised the mug and blew over it. “We were living next to each other and spending a lot of time together.”