“Yeah, okay.” It was a goodbye. My heart was breaking.
I quickly packed my things and stuffed them into my car. I called Fiona on the way to the inn, and she said I could stay with her at her house. The inn was booked solid for the holidays.
Fiona met me when I parked at her house. “Are you okay?”
Teddy immediately backed out and left. Everything hurt and not just the bruises. It was a bone-deep ache.
“I will be.”
She placed an arm over my shoulders and led me to the porch and into the house. Aiden grabbed my things and followed us inside.
“I have you set up in the guest room, so you’ll have privacy. Do you need anything to eat?”
“I’m fine.” I couldn’t eat.
Aiden left my suitcases by the end of the bed and slipped out. I was always troubling my employers with my problems. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay here. What if Rick shows up? I’d never forgive myself.”
“First of all, Aiden can handle him. Bullies like that are weak.”
I shivered. “It didn’t feel like it.” When he jumped out of the bushes, my heart had stopped. I froze.
“We’ll help you get that peace order tomorrow. We’ll be with you every step of the way.”
Tears stung my eyes. Teddy should have been here for me.
“I’m assuming Teddy’s pissed you didn’t tell him sooner?”
“He was so upset.” My eyes filled with tears. “He’s not going to forgive me.”
Fiona rubbed my back. “It’s too soon to worry about that. We have to keep you safe and take care of Rick Solomon. Then we’ll worry about Teddy.”
“You didn’t see him. He was so angry.”
“I can see where he’s coming from. He feels betrayed. And trust is important to him.”
“He’ll never forgive me.” He didn’t seem to understand where I was coming from.
“You should have told him. You should have let him deal with it sooner. Instead, you blindsided him. He’s upset. You’re going to have to give him some time.”
“Yeah, okay.” Suddenly, I was exhausted. I slipped under the covers and lay down. I didn’t have the energy to change.
“I’ll get you some water. Then you can go to sleep.”
“Thank you for letting me stay here. I couldn’t be at the cottage.” It hurt that Teddy left. If he wanted to protect me, I could understand that. But I had a feeling he needed to get away from me, and that was another thing entirely.
“Of course not. Rick violated your safe place.”
Tears threatened again as she squeezed my hand, then left the room.
I was so grateful for Aiden and Fiona. That they were there for me. Because Teddy wasn’t. He’d said he loved me, but I didn’t think that mattered now.
We were over. I’d have to get used to that. But right now, it hurt.
I kept telling myself I was safe so that I could relax and drift off. But each time I startled awake, I remembered that Teddy was gone and wasn’t coming back. It was a long night.
When I woke, my eyes were crusty and swollen from crying. My limbs ached probably from the struggle with Rick. I felt hopeless.
It was almost Christmas, and I should have been preparingfor the holidays with the Calloways and Cole. Instead, I was alone, and heart broken.