Page 81 of Fire in My Heart

“Step back.” I held one hand up.

He moved a few inches, not enough for my liking.

I scanned his body for weapons. I felt like I was at a distinct disadvantage. Was this the danger that Charlotte was hiding from? If so, it would have been nice to know.

My other hand dialed 911 on the phone I’d thought to grab, and I hit Send because Charlotte was pressed up against the siding, looking like she wanted to disappear.

“You know this man, Charlotte?”

“He’s my ex, Rick Solomon.” Her eyes shone with unshed tears. There was a bruise on her chin as if he’d held her face tight. I scanned the rest of her body. There were no outward injuries, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t hurt her elsewhere.

“You’re mine.”

I didn’t like that possessive tone of voice. He was clearly unhinged since I hadn’t seen him the few weeks I’d been living next door. “You invite him here?”

Charlotte’s eyes implored me to understand, but I was reeling with the reality that she hadn’t trusted me with something so important. “No. When we were seeing each other, he?—”

Rick growled and made a move toward her.

“Stay back, asshole.” I normally didn’t call suspects names but this was personal.

“Dispatch, what’s your emergency?” I heard faintly coming from my phone.

I put it on speaker. “Officer Calloway on the scene at the Calloway farm. Turn left at the fork and go to the cottage at the end of the lane. A man assaulted the woman living here.”

Charlotte winced at the use of the word woman but I was in full police mode, and she was a victim.

“Officers en route, Officer Calloway.”

“Copy.” I hit End on the call, then asked, “Go on.” My voice was cold and detached. But I couldn’t afford to be anything else. Not when the man was standing so close to Charlotte, and I didn’t have a weapon if he pulled one. I had to get him away from her. Then I could think clearly.

“He hit me once. I ended things and moved out.”

“When was this?”

“Last year. Before I worked with your family.”

I winced, not liking her talking about my family right now.

“Then he confronted me at the inn when I was working. I told him to leave me alone. But he insisted I go home with him.”

“You file a protective order?”

She shook her head.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. Charlotte’s my girl.” Rick said that on a sneer.

“It doesn’t sound like it. So why are you here?” I turned my attention to Rick, poised for him to run at any second. I would chase this guy down if I had to. He wasn’t getting out of this.

“There’s been a misunderstanding. I was just telling her to come home. That I still love her, and I’ll forgive her for leaving.” His voice softened.

Charlotte pushed away from the wall; her hand pressed against her breastbone. “I’m so sorry?—”

“Charlotte. Not now,” I said, just as the blue-and-red lights raced down the lane. My tone was agitated, and I knew it wasn’t a good energy for an already charged situation.

Rick caught sight of them at the same time and ran.

“Stay here,” I called to Charlotte as I pursued him.