Page 76 of Fire in My Heart

Fiona’s eyes lit up. “I bet he pounds really hard too. A skill that comes with the job, if you know what I mean.”

I paused and considered my friend. “Since when did you start talking so dirty?”

Her eyes widened. “Oh, pound. That’s— I actually meant pounding on the door. But yeah, that works too.” A smile spread over her face. “I like where your mind is right now.”

“I don’t know about you sometimes.” I shook my head, thentried to remember where I was in this story. “I jumped out of the tub, thinking something was wrong.” Or that Rick had found me. But I left that detail to myself. “I pulled on my robe. You know, because I was wet and naked.”

“Was it a see-through one?” Fiona asked eagerly.

“Actually, it was silk. My hair was up in a bun. I probably looked like a mess.”

Fiona nodded eagerly. “A hot one though. I have a feeling he liked it.” Then she sighed. “And just so you know, I’m pretending that this is just some random guy, and not my brother. Otherwise, I’d never make it through this conversation.”

I shook my head. “I opened the door, and it was Teddy. I practically burned up at the look he gave me.”

“I bet you did.”

“You probably don’t want to know the details.” I was fairly sure my nipples had been visible through the material, and the robe had clung to my curves.

Her forehead wrinkled. “Only if you don’t say his name. I’m good with pretending your banging a random guy.”

“Wes said something to him about how he’s always taken care of everyone else, and he should have something for himself.”

Fiona waggled her brows. “Or someone.”

“Well, whatever he said, I’m grateful. Because Ted— I mean, he lost all sense of control that night. He gave into his desires, and it was amazing.” Like nothing I’d ever experienced with anyone else. Teddy unleashed was something to behold. And I was the one who got to experience it.

The waitress placed our drinks in front of us. “Your salads should be here shortly. Would you like to order?”

“Get the chicken sandwich on ciabatta. You’ll love it.”

I hadn’t even had a chance to look at the menu, so I said, “I’ll take that.”

“Make it two,” Fiona said with a smile. “Thanks.”

Fiona sipped her iced tea, then said, “I love this story so much.”

My throat was dry from all the talking, so I did the same. “I’m glad my life is so entertaining to you.”

“I thought I fell in love when I was a teenager. When Aiden enlisted and walked away from me, I thought it was just young love, and I’d get over it. But I never shook the feeling that Aiden was different than the guys I dated. When I ran into him?—”

“You fell in love all over again.”

“Yeah, I mean I fought it a bit. He really hurt me when he left. He said some things?—”

“Sounds like you were both immature, and when you met again, it was the right time.”

Fiona’s gaze softened. “It was the right time, and we were in a good place. We still had some healing to do, but we did it together. My life is different than how I imagined, but I love living here with Aiden and running this inn.”

“I want a love like that. One that stands the test of time and whatever life throws at us.” Fiona’s love for Aiden had withstood life and a nasty breakup. There were heartache and hard feelings, but they worked through it.

“And you can have it, but you have to be open to it. Is that what’s happening between you and Teddy, or is it just a way to pass the time?” Fiona asked as the waitress set our salads in front of us.

“Everything looks delicious, Tess. Thank you.”

“Let me know if you need anything else.” Tess returned to the kitchen as we dug into our salads. It gave me a few seconds to think of a response. “He told me he loved me.”

Fiona paused and looked at me. “Did you say it back?”