Today, I was acting as the parking attendant. It was great for talking to customers. I gleaned a lot of valuable information like where they were from, if they’d been here before, and if they wanted something else to be offered.
I was busy jotting notes on my tablet while I talked to a driver when Teddy appeared at my side. He grabbed my elbow, pulling me to the side.
Will took over my post.
“Is it time for my break already?” I asked Teddy, whose expression was downright thunderous.
“What are you doing? You’re just supposed to direct the cars to the next attendant who tells them where to park.”
I followed Teddy’s finger to see another attendant directing cars to park on the field. “I was doing that.”
“You were holding up the line. Brian said you’ve been talking to every driver.”
“Some have questions about where they’re supposed to park and what fields are best for cutting.”
“Charlotte. Your job is just to wave them on to the next attendant.”
“But they had questions, and I was happy to answer them.” I enjoyed being helpful. And this job reminded me of working the front counter at Matthews Inn.
Teddy growled.
“Are you growling at me?” That reminded me of Daphne calling him a bear. Is this what she was talking about? So far, I hadn’t seen much of the softer teddy bear she’d alluded to.
He ran a hand through his hair. “You’re exasperating.”
“Look at all the valuable information I gleaned from talking to people.” I showed him the chart I’d made of things customers wanted to see on the farm, including more holiday lights, Santa, and refreshments. Then the other chart that said where they came from. “I need a bit more data to make any conclusions.”
“You’re off parking attendant.”
“No.” Tears of frustration pricked my eyes.
“If it’s so important to you, you can talk to them as they get out of their car, and they’re getting their stuff ready to walk to the barn where the cut lot was located.”
I bounced on my toes. “Are you serious?”
Then I frowned. “But that’s not very helpful.”
Teddy waved a hand at my tablet. “This is market research, isn’t it?”
I nodded, pleased he understood.
“Then it’s necessary.”
I curled my hand around his arm; the muscles flexed beneath my palm. “Thank you for understanding. I can help out more this afternoon. I just want to get more information so I have a variety of responses.”
“It’s fine.” The scowl was still present on his face, but it had softened slightly.
“You’re the best.” I couldn’t slow the surge of good feelings that flew through me at Teddy’s suggestion. I kept my grip on his arm as I went up on tip toe and kissed his cheek.
The scruff on his cheek sent tingles through my body. I moved away, dropping my hand. I shouldn’t have touched him, and I certainly shouldn’t have kissed him. We were coworkers. I was over friendly and touchy, but I couldn’t be that way with Teddy.
My body reacted to him in a way it didn’t to others. I wanted him, and it was hard to hide that reaction when I was close to him.